A site that encourages smokers to quit and provides tips to friends and family on how to motivate a smoker to quit without nagging, shaming or blaming.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
FREE for the Great American Smokeout: "How to Win at Quitting Smoking"
Thursday, November 19th is the Great American Smokeout, where smokers are encouraged to quit smoking just for one day. Why not make it the start of creating your plan to become totally smoke-free by getting a FREE copy of my book, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking", available on Kindle through Amazon. Normally $4.99, How to Win at Quitting Smoking, kindle version will be FREE from Wednesday,
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Listen to some great tips for The Great American Smokeout
Tips for the Great American Smokeout is available as a podcast to get you ready for Thursday when all smokers are encouraged to quit just for the day.
And watch for a special offer starting on Wednesday to get a FREE copy of, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking".
And watch for a special offer starting on Wednesday to get a FREE copy of, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking".
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Should you be concerned about the flavorings in e-juice?
I am not a chemist but my concern is not the nicotine in e-juice but the flavorings. Currently there are about 7,000 different flavors with a couple hundred being added each month. Many of the flavorings used are GRAS (generally recognized as safe). But this designation is used for chemicals that are ingested, not inhaled.
When you eat something, it goes into your stomach and mixed with gastric
When you eat something, it goes into your stomach and mixed with gastric
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Best tip on how to "break your habit" before you quit smoking
Most smokers think the hardest cigarettes to quit are their habit cigarettes. You know, the ones you "can't" live without such as the one with your morning coffee. The one when you get in the car (I was sure my car wouldn't start until I lit up).
When working with clients I show them a technique to break the connection to these cigarettes before they quit smoking so that when their actual quit
When working with clients I show them a technique to break the connection to these cigarettes before they quit smoking so that when their actual quit
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Changing Shame and Guilt into Hope and Optimism
What I find so common among those who smoke, is the feelings of either shame and/or guilt. Shame that there is something wrong with me that I don't want to quit smoking knowing that I "should", and/or guilt because I want to and haven't been able to quit. I am certainly familiar with both of those emotions.
I had quit for 2 months the first time I was diagnosed with BC in 1987 when I was 32. I
I had quit for 2 months the first time I was diagnosed with BC in 1987 when I was 32. I
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
When Will It Be Time To Quit Smoking?
If you are a smoker this is an excellent time of year. Numerous smokers are going to quit smoking. If you smoke, why not you? Most cigarette smokers want to quit anyway, so why not go ahead and do it? Many people hold the mistaken notion that so long as they quit smoking before they get cancer, they will be fine. Do you feel this way too? I hope not, because these suggestions are incorrect. I have spoken recently to an oncologist about this very point. I was told that there is no correlation between how long you have quit and whether you will develop cancer. That means just quitting at any stage is not any Guarantee of not getting cancer. There are other nasty diseases to worry about to, read on to see.
There is just no way that a human being can smoke cigarettes without immediate and lifelong hárm being done to their bodies. There are 250 cancer causing chemicals in cigarettes, plus the lungs lose ability with every puff. If you quit smoking, you may immediately lower your risk of heart attack, and artery disease as well. It is not clear whether you can put off getting cancer or not. But it seems it may well help to quit for that reason.
You might ask why is this? after all, I am putting lots of time between right now and my last cigarette. Why isn't my overall lung health improving as well? The answer is, true, you may not be adding to the poor condition of your lungs, but there is literally no way to clean them out. The cilia, could not handle the 1 mug of tar per year that a pack a day smoker adds to his lungs.
1 cup of tar a full year into the lungs is a huge amount. Imagine though there are 250 carcinogens atlanta divorce attorneys cigarette, plus they get put into the toxic lung soup. In case you are under 30 and obtain bronchitis every full season as a person, what do you consider it will be like when you grow older? You do not need to get COPD. Even though you do not get tumor COPD will wreck your daily life. No one really wants to drag around breathing tubes. Quitting cigarette smoking as as you possibly can is really the great thing to do soon. No one really wants to fight tumor for just two 2 years. But, if you get little cell lung cancer, this is the combat you shall have. Most people usually do not live than 24 months with this particular cancer longer.
Lately, I had the chance to start to see the "Bodies" Museum exhibit within NEVADA NV at the Luxor. Thére they demonstrated dead bodies, and the organs within. I noticed several types of lungs which were used to smoke cigars throughout a persons life. Once you view these lung area and their cells, it is amazing to discover that the lungs tend to be more like sponges. If tar for example touches the inside, it really is most probably to ooze its solution to the exterior of the lung. Therefore, not only does the within of the lung switch dark with tar, and the smoke cigarettes particles that it traps. The exterior does too.
One very interesting facet of the physical bodies Exhibit, was the truth that they had an enormous barrel filled up with cigarette packages. Apparently, after smokers start to see the amazing destruction of the lung area because of smoking they opt to quit smoking smoking cigarettes at that moment, and toss them into this massive container. Honestly, I've never seen this en masse stopping of smoking such as this actually. It was spectacular. If the opportunity is obtained by you, browse the "Bodies Exhibition". they will have one that goes all over the national country.
There is just no way that a human being can smoke cigarettes without immediate and lifelong hárm being done to their bodies. There are 250 cancer causing chemicals in cigarettes, plus the lungs lose ability with every puff. If you quit smoking, you may immediately lower your risk of heart attack, and artery disease as well. It is not clear whether you can put off getting cancer or not. But it seems it may well help to quit for that reason.
You might ask why is this? after all, I am putting lots of time between right now and my last cigarette. Why isn't my overall lung health improving as well? The answer is, true, you may not be adding to the poor condition of your lungs, but there is literally no way to clean them out. The cilia, could not handle the 1 mug of tar per year that a pack a day smoker adds to his lungs.
1 cup of tar a full year into the lungs is a huge amount. Imagine though there are 250 carcinogens atlanta divorce attorneys cigarette, plus they get put into the toxic lung soup. In case you are under 30 and obtain bronchitis every full season as a person, what do you consider it will be like when you grow older? You do not need to get COPD. Even though you do not get tumor COPD will wreck your daily life. No one really wants to drag around breathing tubes. Quitting cigarette smoking as as you possibly can is really the great thing to do soon. No one really wants to fight tumor for just two 2 years. But, if you get little cell lung cancer, this is the combat you shall have. Most people usually do not live than 24 months with this particular cancer longer.
Lately, I had the chance to start to see the "Bodies" Museum exhibit within NEVADA NV at the Luxor. Thére they demonstrated dead bodies, and the organs within. I noticed several types of lungs which were used to smoke cigars throughout a persons life. Once you view these lung area and their cells, it is amazing to discover that the lungs tend to be more like sponges. If tar for example touches the inside, it really is most probably to ooze its solution to the exterior of the lung. Therefore, not only does the within of the lung switch dark with tar, and the smoke cigarettes particles that it traps. The exterior does too.
One very interesting facet of the physical bodies Exhibit, was the truth that they had an enormous barrel filled up with cigarette packages. Apparently, after smokers start to see the amazing destruction of the lung area because of smoking they opt to quit smoking smoking cigarettes at that moment, and toss them into this massive container. Honestly, I've never seen this en masse stopping of smoking such as this actually. It was spectacular. If the opportunity is obtained by you, browse the "Bodies Exhibition". they will have one that goes all over the national country.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Is it time to Change the Great American Smokeout to Stoptober?
The Great American Smokeout is the third Thursday in November. It is a day that encourages smokers to try and stop smoking for just one day. It is hoped that if a person can quit for a day, they will continue on.
Most smokers can quit for one day but as soon as that one day is over, they often go back to the same number of cigarettes they have always smoked.
New Zealand is trying something
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Video on How to Change the Way you Think about Smoking
Think about when you have quit in the past, did you start romancing the thought of having "just one"?
Monday, August 31, 2015
Inventory Price Reduction of "How to Win at Quitting Smoking", only $9.99
I didn't realize when I sent my inventory of books to Amazon that I would be competing directly against them as a book seller. I get paid no matter which way anyone buys my book but Amazon charges me a stocking fee for my books that sit in their warehouse, so I am reducing the price to $9.99 to reduce that inventory--to get this price you must buy from the book seller (me)--Stop Smoking, Stay
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Stop Smoking Weed without Professional Rehab
Tips for breaking the habit
credit image: www.detoxmenow.org
Stop Smoking Weed without Professional Rehab - You will have no chance at quitting permanently unless you have a reason that you accept as a good one.When you decide on your own that you need to stop smoking weed,you need to find reasons to stop smoking weed. At the very least, you need to understand the reason that has brought
The side effects of weed you should know
Negative Side Effects of Marijuana: What They Didn’t Tell You
Most users are willing to ignore the negative side effects of marijuana because they say they don’t feel anything at all.Some justify their use with the reason that they are in control or that it helps them relax.What they don’t know is it’s already harmful to the body no matter how you ingest it.Even if you’re not smoking it,
This is the reasons to quit smoking weed
Reasons to stop smoking weed
Legal Issues
There is great debate as to whether or not marijuana should be legalized.Many people who smoke believe it to be a harmless activity that should not be considered a crime.Regardless of how harmless some may believe marijuana to be,the fact remains that its use, possession, sale and purchase are illegal in the United States.Whether the act is
Check my new videos on YouTube
I have created several short videos on how to become successful at becoming smoke-free. Check them out on: YouTube
This is the introductory video about how I got started helping others.
Also check out my new website: www.VJSleight.com
This is the introductory video about how I got started helping others.
Also check out my new website: www.VJSleight.com
The benefits of quitting smoking weed
The benefits of quitting smoking weed are innumerable and may well go beyond mere physical relief. Marijuana addiction or weed as it is better known is arguably one of the most frequently encountered addiction in the US in spite of the fact that the use of this drug is illegal. Statistics indicate that 17 percent of all hospital admissions could well be attributed to those being admitted for
Friday, July 17, 2015
What are the effects of smoking just one cigarette a day?
Because of the addictive nature of nicotine, very few people are able limit themselves to "just one". But even "just one" has health consequences. The physical effects of just one cigarette: Your blood pressure increases. Your heart rate increases. Your bronchial tubes constrict making your lungs work harder. The amount of carbon monoxide in your system doubles and prevents oxygen from reaching
Thursday, July 2, 2015
FREE: Guide to help you quit smoking
Even if you're not ready to quit yet, get my book, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking" since it will only be available for FREE until July 5th, on Amazon Kindle. You don't need a Kindle since you can read it on your computer. Share with any friends or family who smoke and help me reach my goal of giving away 500 FREE copies. Don't wait, only 3 more days for this FREE offer.
Click here.
Click here.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Teens reacting to old cigarette ads and comparing them to current ad for e-cigarettes.
Click here to see teens reacting to old cigarette ads
Cigarette commercials have been banned from TV since the 1970's. While the first health reports of harm from smoking came in the early 1950's, it wasn't until 1964 with the Surgeon General's Report on Smoking that it became widely known that smoking caused lung cancer.
For many years there were no restrictions on tobacco advertising and the
Cigarette commercials have been banned from TV since the 1970's. While the first health reports of harm from smoking came in the early 1950's, it wasn't until 1964 with the Surgeon General's Report on Smoking that it became widely known that smoking caused lung cancer.
For many years there were no restrictions on tobacco advertising and the
Saturday, June 27, 2015
why is marijuana illegal and alcohol is not
So why is marijuana illegal?
Why was it made illegal in the first place?..ok That is an excellent question. Now that many politicians and the public are taking a more objective look at marijuana, many are asking how it ended up in the category of drugs deemed most dangerous by the Federal government.
Mexican immigrants referred to this plant as “marihuana”. While Americans were very
Thursday, June 25, 2015
FREE yourself from tobacco with a FREE copy of "How to Win at Quitting Smoking"
Celebrate Americas freedom by freeing yourself from tobacco. For a limited time you can get a FREE e-book of "How to Win at Quitting Smoking", available July 1 to July 5, 2015. Available through Amazon
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
I quit smoking a month ago and I'm coughing up blood, do I have lung cancer?
It is not uncommon for smokers to have an increase in coughing for several weeks after they quit. Smoking inhibits the work of the cilia in the lungs whose job it is to "sweep out" debris that in inhaled. They are damaged and/or paralyzed from the tar and other harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke. Once you quit, they work over time to rid your lungs of the accumulation of the gunk in your lungs.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Ending your love affair with smoking
Many smokers will tell you that they "love" to
smoke and a decision to become smoke-free can be as traumatic as going through
a divorce.
There are three phases to any change in life: an ending of the
old, a transition period and a new beginning:
Before a marriage ends, there is turmoil trying to to make the
decision of whether to stay and try to make the marriage work or to end it.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
A cigarette always helped with my stress, what do I do now that I've stopped smoking?
From my book, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking":
Stress is a major cause of
relapse because smokers lack other stress reducing options. Smoking has been an
easy low-effort coping behavior that you have used to deal with situational
stress and strong emotions. Smoking provides temporary relief from the physical
stress of nicotine withdrawal, which is the reason why smokers mistakenly
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
I switched to e-cigarettes and I cough less, have a better sense of smell and taste, and I feel healthier, what's the problem?
Just because you feel better doesn't mean that you are "healthier". We don't know the long term effects from vaping yet. It certainly will NOT be the same as with traditional cigarettes but e-cigarettes will have their own disease profile.
Part of the problem is with the flavors--while they may be GRAS for ingestion, most have not been tested for inhalation.
e.g. Lawsuit Filed Against Butter
Part of the problem is with the flavors--while they may be GRAS for ingestion, most have not been tested for inhalation.
e.g. Lawsuit Filed Against Butter
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Help! I quit smoking but I'm going out to dinner with a couple who both smoke. I'll be surrounded.
You will be surrounded by smokers only if you allow it. I have no problem telling smokers that I choose to not be around second hand smoke due to MY health issues. I don't tell them they can't smoke, only that I won't be around it. I hope that you ask to sit inside in a non-smoking section and allowed them to go outside when they want to smoke. If they insisted that this is unreasonable then I
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Now Available in Print: "How To Win At Quitting Smoking"
My book is finally available in print through Amazon.
Unlike other books on the subject, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking" focuses on the process of change instead of a single method. Proven evidence based strategies are given in a motivating manner, often in a smoker's own words. Easy to understand analogies are used to explain some of the complicated psychological processes of change. As a
Monday, April 20, 2015
Why so many smokers relapse after having been quit for many months
This is an except from my book, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking":
If you wanted to drop weight, you need to be willing to change your food intake and increase your physical activity. This takes a commitment, making a Plan and taking action. Slowly over time the pounds come off.
If after six months you went to a birthday party where your favorite chocolate fudge cake was being served and this
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
"Calling it Quits" on Frankly Speaking About Cancer
It was like being in the dark ages the first time I had cancer when it came to emotional support-there was none. People I knew asked me to not say the "C" word around them, no one seemed to understand the physical, emotional and financial devastation I was going through with being diagnosed with a life threatening disease at age 32.
When I had a recurrence in 2010, I knew that emotional support
When I had a recurrence in 2010, I knew that emotional support
Saturday, March 28, 2015
The best way to quit smoking weed 2015 and above
Advantage of Quitting Smoking Weed Post Addiction
--> Quit smoking weed forever guide <--
In the event that you can answer the inquiry if I quit smoking weed is in the confirmed then without a doubt you are mindful of the profits of stopping smoking weed. Consequently it is not amazing that when it starts to assume control over your life and replaces your pastimes and companions alike
Friday, March 27, 2015
Can e-cigarettes help me quit smoking and are they safe?
I have been doing a lot of research into electronic cigarettes since that is what my next book will be about. There have been many confusing headlines, some saying that they are just as harmful as tobacco cigarettes, while other headlines will tell you they will help you quit. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
The controversies that make headlines are often not the real issues, such as-cig
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Do the cravings (for nicotine) ever stop?
A. has been quit for 6 months yet she still gets cravings just as strong as the first day she quit. She asks,
"Will it ever get better or will it a battle forever?"
You need to stay vigilant and work on changing your self talk. When a craving comes up--if you keep saying--"this is just like day one" and questioning if it will ever get better--that thought process can lead you back. Instead
"Will it ever get better or will it a battle forever?"
You need to stay vigilant and work on changing your self talk. When a craving comes up--if you keep saying--"this is just like day one" and questioning if it will ever get better--that thought process can lead you back. Instead
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Why Your Bodybuilding Efforts Could Go Up In Smoke Weed
Smoking weed it’s one of the worst habits that you can have if you want to build muscle and get fit as a bodybuilder. If you smoke you put yourself at serious risk from a ‘bucket load’ of horrible health problems, including cancer, and as a bodybuilder you’ll find that smoking is detrimental to your performance.
Smoking weed is highly addictive because of the nicotine content and is a
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Quit smoking weed depression
2 years ago i quit smoking for 6 months. the first month of the quiting i got insomnia and had the most insane dreams that were weirder and scarier than any movie.Top ten ways detox weed naturally - stop smoking, Top ten ways to detox weed naturally.mar 29, 2013 by quit smoking weed. when it comes to naturally cleansing your body some of the best ways to detox for weed are. How quit smoking
Monday, March 16, 2015
Is Nicotine an Alternative Vice and Should We Prohibit it's Use?
A colleague of mine shared that she had met a man who had quit spit tobacco by switching to nicotine gum. He uses 3 or 4 pieces at a time. He was happy that he quit spit and had no desire to stop using the gum. She wondered what she could say to him about his addiction to nicotine gum. Other colleagues gave her suggestions as to how to get the NRT user to change his behavior but no one really
Understanding how a quitter will go through the Stages of Change before finally quitting
On an online quitting smoking support group I had suggested Allan Carr's book, "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" to someone who needed motivation to quit. Someone else responded back with:
VJ -- I read your book and Allen Carrs book... I liked both but nothing helped me quit .. but myself ... and I never thought I could do it .. but I did it .. L.
I have had smokers tell me this before and
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Do you gain weight when you quit smoking weed
Learn more how to quit smoking weed forever in here..we have two simple goals with this blog,first to help you understand your weed habit so you can begin the process of overcoming this misunderstood addiction. Weed is not the same as other addictions and should not be treated the same.
And second to introduce you to the resources available that will help you break free of weed at your own
Friday, March 13, 2015
Synthetic marijuana withdrawal symptoms
Synthetic marijuana - These potentially terminal symptoms include racing heart surpasses,abnormally high blood demand, extreme anxiety and hallucinations. It was first introduced around 1990 but in the last few years has grown to be more popular.Why or why not.
My neighbors, still reeling from the shock, are learning for their own reasons the nature with the threat on our streets, and so on
Monday, February 16, 2015
John Oliver Takes On Big Tobacco (HBO)
I dare you to watch John Olivers take down on the tobacco companies and not see them as evil.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Why can't I stop crying since I've quit smoking?
Intense, non-stop crying can be a sign of depression, which is also a nicotine withdrawal symptom. It can also be a sign that you need to learn how to deal with your emotional connection to smoking. Most likely it is a combination of both.
Not only is quitting smoking a physical journey but it is an emotional one too. Often quitters under estimate the strength of that emotional connection.
Not only is quitting smoking a physical journey but it is an emotional one too. Often quitters under estimate the strength of that emotional connection.
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