Monday, July 2, 2012

Strategies To Help Quitting Smoking Increasing The Chance Of Having Success

The success of quitting varies from person to person. There are those people who can quit simply by deciding to quit smoking one day, while others have difficulty in doing. The cold turkey approach of quitting is the most difficult to take. In fact, majority of people who attempted to used this approach has several tries before they are successful, this makes the cold turkey method less successful for most.

If quitting using the cold turkey approach is not working for you, never give up. There are smoking cessation programs that can help you along with your quit smoking timeline. As a matter of fact, there are local government programs which are offered publicly in order to help people who want to quit.

Besides these these programs, there are also medical options, and sometimes, a smoking cessation program will be more effective if use in conjunction with a medical option. One particular example of a successful combination is the hypnosis therapy and nicotine patches.

Prior to discussing the medical options, be aware that certain treatments do have some side-effects. Therefore, it is highly suggested that before using any medical options, consider consulting with your doctor about it.

Common Strategies To Help In Quitting Smoking

Nicotine Replacement Therapy - This  therapy gradually wins one from the addicted quality of nicotine. Moreover, this therapy can help relieve the most common nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Types Of Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Nicotine Patches - These patches are an over the counter treatment. This slowly releases nicotine into the bloodstream through the skin.

How Patches Works?

  • The patch is placed on the skin.
  • The patch is to be replaced daily over the course of the treatment
  • Standard therapy lasts 8 weeks
  • Dosage is lowered as the therapy progresses

Nicotine Gum - This is also an over the counter treatment and can be use without any prescription.

How Nicotine Gum Works?

  • Chew the gum.
  • Place it between the cheek and gum. This allows to release nicotine through the lining of the mouth, and into the bloodstream.
  • Chew a new piece every 1 to 2 hours, a recommended dosage.
  • Chew less gum as the treatment progresses until one do not require it.

Nicotine Lozenge

  • Place it between the cheek and gum, just as of the nicotine gum.
  • Use a new lozenge every 1 to 2 hours, a recommended dosage.
  • Reduce the number of lozenge as the treatment progresses until it is not needed.

Prescription Therapies

Besides those mentioned above, there are other prescription therapies available. Talk to your doctor about possible side-effects and which one suits your needs.

Nasal Sprays - This is another type of nicotine replacement therapy. Typical treatment lasts 12 weeks and may require up to 30 sprays each day. Just like with other nicotine replacements, dosage is lowered overtime.

Nicotine Inhalers - This delivers nicotine in vaporized form through a mouth piece. Unlike smoking, the nicotine is not sent to the lungs. Most of the nicotine are absorbed in the mouth and throat, instead. Some smokers reported that inhalers fulfill the ritual of smoking this makes a good thing to grab when cravings occur.

Buproprion - An antidepressant and can be used along with other nicotine replacement therapies in order to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Varenicicline - This is one of the medical option that a doctor prescribed. Unlike with other options, this does not contain nicotine, but it blocks the effect of nicotine on the brain. With this, smoke cravings are significantly reduced, until nicotine is eliminated totally, making a person never have the craving to smoke.

Finally, there are people who preferred to use alternative therapies such as hypnosis, acupuncture, acupressure or laser therapy. Though not proven, and the FDA never declares it as official natural means for treatment, these help a lot of people in quitting, and help reduce the nicotine withdrawal symptoms like stress, anxiety or insomnia. A good rule for these alternative therapies, if it helps, give it a shot.

Quitting smoking is probably one of the most difficult, but the most rewarding change in your lifetime. Immediately, after the last cigarette the body starts to heal, your family and friends will thank you for that decision you made. Decide now, quit, just do it, and go start your quit smoking timeline.

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