Monday, July 2, 2012

Seeking Support and Encouragement Is Part Of The Process

Quitting is a personal choice, although it is challenging a lot of people around you are happy that you decide to quit finally. Probably no one will say; "I quit smoking in 1 week easily". Yes, it is a difficult and challenging process to undergo, but the good thing is, people around you like your family, friends and colleagues are willing to support.

The one unavoidable consequences while in the process of quitting irritability. It feels like it is the end of everything while fighting the crave to smoke. Having someone beside is a big deal, someone to talk to and share what you feel. Simply by telling what you feel is a big relief. Therefore, do not be afraid to seek support and encouragement from your family, friends, doctor and support group in the community. Often, when there is always someone to lean on, the challenging experience of quitting becomes enlightening.

At home, it is essential that family members are aware of what you are undergoing. Doing so, they can help and encourage you to keep going until you become a non-smoker. Your family is your first line of defense when it comes to supporting you. They are there always before you go to sleep, when you cannot sleep, upon waking up and during the time when you crave to smoke. It is a very challenging part for them, too. Family members must be aware of the appropriate things to do in order to help effectively. Perhaps, a doctor or community support group can orient them about the best way they can help.

In today's family environment, it is uncommon to see several members of the family who are smokers. If this is the case, smoking family members should talk over about quitting, and may begin quitting at once. This way, not only the whole family can benefit of having a clean air at home, but have someone who understands the experience of the process. Although, we can rarely find a situation where smoking family members can have the same decision of quitting.

At work, there can be more temptation than it is at home. It is vital to find a way to divert attention from the temptation around. However, if the people around knows what is going on, majority will support. On the other hand, it is unavoidable that there are people will ridicule you. At this point, it is vital you choose the people whom you are to mingle. Stay away from people who smoke since this will be the biggest temptation for you to smoke, specially when the cravings occur.

Additionally, have something replacement for smoking. During a break at work, smokers' hands are busy, and this is a habit that was developed overtime. In order to replace that habit, have a handful of peanuts at the hand where used to have the cigarette. This way, the hands are busy, this time, it is not the cigarette, but peanuts instead.

During the times that you feel you are going to give up, never pick up and light a cigarette. Instead, call your doctor or psychologist, visit a support group or browse the internet to find online support group that you can talk. This is the best way to divert your attention from cigarette craving. The urge to smoke usually last for a few minutes, and during that time, be conscious not to be tempted to go with the craving.

You can do it easily, and with the people around who are willing to help you, the success of quitting smoking is achievable. Never give up, until you reach your goal of quitting, and become a non-smoker once again.

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