Sunday, July 25, 2010

Quit Smoking - Some Tips that Help!

The following are some tips that can help you to both prepare for and to maintain a life without cigarettes and these thus can help enable you to quit smoking with a little more confidence and ease.

A Plan – Pick a date on the calendar as your quitting day. Some studies have indicated that you’re more likely to stay quit if you choose to quit on a Monday. Monday is typically the start of the week for most cultures, and because of this, people for some reason are more likely to remain smoke free if they choose this day.

Rewards – Make sure you line up some rewards during the periods of your initial quitting stages. Think about booking a massage once or twice a week for the first month. Make sure you take yourself out to nice restaurants and allow yourself to put on weight. You’re making a big change that takes some effort; the job of stopping smoking permanently is made a lot easier if you use other areas of your life to enjoy yourself.

Fluids – Make sure you help the body process and to clean out the system by drinking a large amount of fluids both before quitting smoking and especially during the initial stages of your quitting plan.

Friends – Make sure you speak to friends that have quit smoking successfully. They can provide you with tips that can help. They can also provide a very good support structure who can walk you through the process as well as to be the people that can support you – especially in times of severe stress and need. You should also avoid spending time with friends and family that do smoke. You do not want to put yourself into a situation in which people around you are smoking, because you increase your temptation and your likelihood by doing so.

Hypnosis – Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are powerful tools that can help you to stop. Hypnosis is a deeply relaxing state in which the unconscious mind can be untrained, to be brought into alignment with the conscious desires of being a non-smoker and to quit smoking. You perhaps can research hypnosis and hypnotherapy further to ascertain whether you can find a local hypnotherapist who could help you. Be sure to find a hypnotherapist who has the relevant experience as well as the proper qualifications to help you.

Nicotine Patches – Nicotine patches can provide the nicotine that cigarettes used to provide prior to quitting. Using these stop smoking aids can help you ease into a non smoking reality and subsequently lessen the withdrawal effects of now being a non smoker. The body typically takes a few days, sometimes longer to get rid itself of the nicotine. Patches have helped many people get off cigarettes and may be of help to you in your endeavor of stopping.

Regardless of how you do it, quitting smoking can be a tremendous challenge but doing so is tremendously rewarding. More energy, more money, more life, more health – all significant reasons as to why you should start the process now.

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