Hey everyone,
Thought I would drop a post on this group blog, just to introduce myself and my progress in trying to quit smoking.
I made the decision to quit in early February, having been a smoker for over five years. Going from smoking one pack a day to nothing at all was a real challenge, especially as I'm in my final semester at university - probably the most stressful period in my life that I have encountered thus far. The first month was the toughest; all my friends would pop outside the pub for a cigarette and I'd be left inside on my own - those are the times when you really feel like giving in. But I persevered and kept focussed. Then came the set-back of having an influx of job rejections (I'm trying to find a graduate job at the moment). However, I stuck to it and didn't give in. Not once. No matter how much I wanted to smoke, I just took a deep breath, and said to myself 'No'.
I now haven't smoked for almost 2 months. I think I'm over the worst of it, but you never know what's round the corner. However, I'm confident of achieving success.
If anyone needs any advice on how to quit - I've come up with a few exercises that might be of help. Let me know if you're interested; I'd be happy to help.
Anyways, hope all is good.
A site that encourages smokers to quit and provides tips to friends and family on how to motivate a smoker to quit without nagging, shaming or blaming.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Quit Smoking Timeline
Can a Quit Smoking Timeline Help You Quit Smoking?
It's a common tendency among all those that are seeking for new ways to quit smoking to search for something like quit smoking calculators, quit smoking timelines, quit smoking pills, quit smoking prescriptions and so on. This is something normal - people are looking for ways of making their overall quitting process a little bit easier. We have nothing against that. It is alright to search for help when this is possible. However, the big deal about that and the main reason why we called today's post a quit smoking time line is the fact that more and more people are tending to find excuses for not to QUIT SMOKING while doing these researches in the search engines nowadays. Most of you guys that are visiting this blog got used to the idea that it is probably enough at least once per day to visit such a quit smoking website, gather some information where possible and that is it - homework done for today. However, most of you guys don't really understand that there are other more important things in life that have to be achieved if you really want to be able to quit smoking and do that once and for good. Everyone is quitting smoking these days and most of them fail to keep their promise the next day. The urge to take another puff, to light another cigarette or just to inhale another dose of nicotine is to big and our weak human mind cannot overcome it. You are going to experience that most smoking cessation programs will try to offer you some types of nicotine patches and other things that are going to be promote just for the sake of making money on you. The industries that produce cigerettes and tobacco are not interested for you to find out easy ways to quit smoking. Something like this will never happen and you should understand by all means possible that in order for something like this to happen the world must changed. Unfortunately we are living in a world where everyone is seeking to make a living and a profit and sometimes people go as far as killing each other (thought smoking for example) just for the sake of doing it. As we mentioned in other articles, the main purpose of this blog is to open people's eyes about all the quit smoking and stop smoking scene around that is pushing all those extravagant smoking news about stuff that is worthless and is not going to help neither of you get rid of this addiction. If you really want to know how to cease your smoking habit you need to take it profoundly and change your life, otherwise it is not going to work as you planned it to be. We manage to quit smoking just because we managed to change our live vision towards a lot of things out there. So today, instead of just sitting in front on the TV and watching that cartoon or film that is not doing anything else except entertaining you - better go outside for a walk and meditate on things that you might want or need to change in life. If you are going to be able to realize, without anyone help that something needs to be done, that you don't need any influence from the outside to achieve a goal then you are ready to go. Your life will change and you are going to gain that freedom that everyone is looking for. Most people seek advice at other people that never managed to deal with a certain thing on their own. This is how it works. This is what you should be doing if you don't want to quit smoking. It is what it is guys and you should always seek more answers then you can actually handle because the main problem in nowadays society is the lack of knowledge and of interests towards a lot of issues related to health, education, behavior, society, etc
People actually think that by displaying or ranting in front of their desktop a quit smoking timeline they are going to quit smoking. This is totally wrong, this won't offer you the necessary support to make you overcome your habit easily. This is why we are always seeking for new ways of telling you that there are other more important things to take care of instead of looking for worthless programs on the internet that are not going to help you. Of course, we are offering an alternative for those lazy people that do not have the courage to read this till the end. All is good people and we also don't want everyone there because only those that understand on their own will be able to change their lives. This is true - if you manage to quit smoking you are going to change your life once and for all and this is not joke. This is something that you might need to handle from the very beginning of your campaign or at least attempt to quit smoking. Most of you fail, and the statistics have shown that approximately 99% of people that start an attempt to quit smoking fail. You have to tell yourself that you are not one of them and that you are doing everything possible to succeed and you are going to succeed sooner or later. There is no other options except success. Even failure is success because you are constantly seeking new information and learning from your own mistakes. This is what happens when you know what you are doing. This is what you should do if you want to achieve that kind of knowledge and have the same results as those that understood and managed to quit smoking in time. Nowadays they are living a totally different life and the most important they are free from any addiction. We say this and insist on this in each and every article or post that is being published on this blog because some of you still don't want to understand that important of real things in comparison to fake ideas about someones attempt to quit smoking. People must come to a certain degree of knowledge if they want to do that kind of things. They need to pursue the path of freedom from every type of thing in this life. If you know what is freedom then it would be much more easier for you to find the reliable solution for you to quit smoking in the long run. What you people tend to interpret as a quit smoking time line is nothing more then a illusion and you are going to fail if you continue to think this way. Cravings are nothing more then a desire to continue smoking and light up another cigarette or light up that pipe full o tobacco, the same can be said and applied about chewing. There is nothing better then dealing with a person who is free from dependency like smoking - that person knows the values in life. Smoking is a weakness and in all our articles and posts we tried to explain that to you but it seems that some of you are too ignorant to understand basic things. This blog is a test and it offers an alternative. When you chose the alternative we make money, when you choose to read comprehensively this article till the end you offer yourself a chance and you test your capabilities to finally find someone who is going to tell you wake up! It's time to make something in this life, it's time to run through decisions, it's time to change something. It's time to quit smoking and prove that you can do it without anyone's help.
A quit smoking time line is not going to help you. That has been proven. Not a single stop smoking medication is going to give you that chance to get rid of the addiction as you can. All the prescriptions in the world are made so that once you get them you either need more of them or you return to your old habits. The industry needs to keep you in a rat race and that is what is happening if you do not want to make decisions, if you do not want to change things in life. People are dying daily, each other, each second because of cancer, lung cancer, throat cancer, tongue cancer and many other cruel types of cancer just because of smoking. It is horrible and still a lot of people are pushed from the dark side and find pretty enough reasons to continue their never ending quit smoking venture and never achieve the expected results. When you do a search on the internet for best way to quit smoking you are lying to yourself. You understand that there is no such thing, but you are desperately continue to do things that you think deserve your attention and you can actually pull a lot of important things from that. There is no point in doing so as we are going to prove it to you like we did in our previous posts. It is a waste of time. Stop lying to yourself and to your family members. You need to do your best to succeed. Only in such a manner you will be able to prove that things that work work just because you stepped on the right path and not because the great new extra powerful quit smoking program just got out. Do you understand what we mean by saying that? They want you to believe that something is wrong and the quitting smoking side effects are so big that you probably should never think of quitting smoking again and they push down the road the next big quit smoking timeline or calculator project that is in the end another worthless and pathetic way to make some more money.
Behind the quit smoking time line is the attempt to ruin all your hope in quitting smoking. All these issues that people are doing just for the sake of making you believe that something like overcoming addiction is nothing more then an illusion and you should go back to your work and don't bark if you want to receive at least the money to afford that pack of cigarettes per day. Isn't that pathetic? Don't you think that something has to be changed. Truth will come out sooner or later but the thing is that it might be too late. You need to apply to things that people have to understand otherwise there is no purpose in doing this. People must try and reveal everyone's capabilities and unite if they want to succeed. Sharing helps, helping each other helps, group hypnotherapy also does - however, do not relly only on these things. There are so more important aspects that you have to take care in the first place. Stop playing some unimportant role you need to take care of the important parts first. And the important parts in a quit smoking attempt is changing your way of being, changing your life, changing your mentality. We talked at the beginning of this article about the importance of a proper education and behaviour. Why do you think we mentioned that? Well, first of all because some of the things that people do not understand is that you won't get any help from the outside if you are ugly on the inside. Open your soul. Learn how to smile to others, learn how to dedicate your time to others, learn how to help others, only in this way your mind will be clean and pure enough to be able to accumulate that type of knowledge that you can implement in helping others and yourself at the same time to quit smoking. There is no magic bullet, there is no mystery, no ritual, it's just a matter of time and understanding of things. If you can do this you can master anything. There are no limits in the good things and you are continuously learning. You need to open your mind, soul and body. Changing your way of doing things in life is crucial if you want to be able to quit smoking.
If you are seeking natural ways to stop smoking you have found the best resource online probably. What you still don't understand is that appearances are always mistaken and instead of going somewhere and buying that worthless e-book you could makes the last or one of the first efforts and read as much information as you possible can. Drive your conclusions, understand how things work. Now we are going to pass to a case study and it should work and help you better understand certain aspects of this business. Now imagine that you are working in a bar and everyone is smoking there. How in the world do you want to live a health life if you are always, on a daily basis inhaling that smoking. Something like this is possible - but it is very hard and it seems that most of you don't want to understand that. If you ever come up with something similar please do everything possible to let it appear as something natural. You have to make sure that it works because we are now wanting to let it be accessible to everyone. We want to be able to help more and more people. We do not promote a worthless method - we provoke you to start searching for answers inside yourself. You need to be able to help others quit smoking. Anyway, this blog is going to reach a saturation limit where it is going to go and simply just stand somewhere in the search results providing some type of information that is still going to be just click, five seconds read or title read, never get to the content and click away. This is how it happens in most of the time. We are already aware of that and if you want to be able to achieve the same level of results then good luck. If you want to quit smoking then come back from time to time because you can always seek help somewhere hidden between the lines of the articles published in this quit smoking blog. We not only tend to show you that quitting smoking is real, we want to teach you how to quit smoking!
Now bite your finger and promise yourself that you are not going to smoke anymore. If that happens it means you are totally lost and you better purchase a few hundred worthless e-books more or less till you realize in what type of world we are living in today. A quit smoking time line is a waste of time. It is totally worthless if you really want to cease your tobacco addiction.
Good luck!
Charlie Rotario (ex smoker)
It's a common tendency among all those that are seeking for new ways to quit smoking to search for something like quit smoking calculators, quit smoking timelines, quit smoking pills, quit smoking prescriptions and so on. This is something normal - people are looking for ways of making their overall quitting process a little bit easier. We have nothing against that. It is alright to search for help when this is possible. However, the big deal about that and the main reason why we called today's post a quit smoking time line is the fact that more and more people are tending to find excuses for not to QUIT SMOKING while doing these researches in the search engines nowadays. Most of you guys that are visiting this blog got used to the idea that it is probably enough at least once per day to visit such a quit smoking website, gather some information where possible and that is it - homework done for today. However, most of you guys don't really understand that there are other more important things in life that have to be achieved if you really want to be able to quit smoking and do that once and for good. Everyone is quitting smoking these days and most of them fail to keep their promise the next day. The urge to take another puff, to light another cigarette or just to inhale another dose of nicotine is to big and our weak human mind cannot overcome it. You are going to experience that most smoking cessation programs will try to offer you some types of nicotine patches and other things that are going to be promote just for the sake of making money on you. The industries that produce cigerettes and tobacco are not interested for you to find out easy ways to quit smoking. Something like this will never happen and you should understand by all means possible that in order for something like this to happen the world must changed. Unfortunately we are living in a world where everyone is seeking to make a living and a profit and sometimes people go as far as killing each other (thought smoking for example) just for the sake of doing it. As we mentioned in other articles, the main purpose of this blog is to open people's eyes about all the quit smoking and stop smoking scene around that is pushing all those extravagant smoking news about stuff that is worthless and is not going to help neither of you get rid of this addiction. If you really want to know how to cease your smoking habit you need to take it profoundly and change your life, otherwise it is not going to work as you planned it to be. We manage to quit smoking just because we managed to change our live vision towards a lot of things out there. So today, instead of just sitting in front on the TV and watching that cartoon or film that is not doing anything else except entertaining you - better go outside for a walk and meditate on things that you might want or need to change in life. If you are going to be able to realize, without anyone help that something needs to be done, that you don't need any influence from the outside to achieve a goal then you are ready to go. Your life will change and you are going to gain that freedom that everyone is looking for. Most people seek advice at other people that never managed to deal with a certain thing on their own. This is how it works. This is what you should be doing if you don't want to quit smoking. It is what it is guys and you should always seek more answers then you can actually handle because the main problem in nowadays society is the lack of knowledge and of interests towards a lot of issues related to health, education, behavior, society, etc
People actually think that by displaying or ranting in front of their desktop a quit smoking timeline they are going to quit smoking. This is totally wrong, this won't offer you the necessary support to make you overcome your habit easily. This is why we are always seeking for new ways of telling you that there are other more important things to take care of instead of looking for worthless programs on the internet that are not going to help you. Of course, we are offering an alternative for those lazy people that do not have the courage to read this till the end. All is good people and we also don't want everyone there because only those that understand on their own will be able to change their lives. This is true - if you manage to quit smoking you are going to change your life once and for all and this is not joke. This is something that you might need to handle from the very beginning of your campaign or at least attempt to quit smoking. Most of you fail, and the statistics have shown that approximately 99% of people that start an attempt to quit smoking fail. You have to tell yourself that you are not one of them and that you are doing everything possible to succeed and you are going to succeed sooner or later. There is no other options except success. Even failure is success because you are constantly seeking new information and learning from your own mistakes. This is what happens when you know what you are doing. This is what you should do if you want to achieve that kind of knowledge and have the same results as those that understood and managed to quit smoking in time. Nowadays they are living a totally different life and the most important they are free from any addiction. We say this and insist on this in each and every article or post that is being published on this blog because some of you still don't want to understand that important of real things in comparison to fake ideas about someones attempt to quit smoking. People must come to a certain degree of knowledge if they want to do that kind of things. They need to pursue the path of freedom from every type of thing in this life. If you know what is freedom then it would be much more easier for you to find the reliable solution for you to quit smoking in the long run. What you people tend to interpret as a quit smoking time line is nothing more then a illusion and you are going to fail if you continue to think this way. Cravings are nothing more then a desire to continue smoking and light up another cigarette or light up that pipe full o tobacco, the same can be said and applied about chewing. There is nothing better then dealing with a person who is free from dependency like smoking - that person knows the values in life. Smoking is a weakness and in all our articles and posts we tried to explain that to you but it seems that some of you are too ignorant to understand basic things. This blog is a test and it offers an alternative. When you chose the alternative we make money, when you choose to read comprehensively this article till the end you offer yourself a chance and you test your capabilities to finally find someone who is going to tell you wake up! It's time to make something in this life, it's time to run through decisions, it's time to change something. It's time to quit smoking and prove that you can do it without anyone's help.
A quit smoking time line is not going to help you. That has been proven. Not a single stop smoking medication is going to give you that chance to get rid of the addiction as you can. All the prescriptions in the world are made so that once you get them you either need more of them or you return to your old habits. The industry needs to keep you in a rat race and that is what is happening if you do not want to make decisions, if you do not want to change things in life. People are dying daily, each other, each second because of cancer, lung cancer, throat cancer, tongue cancer and many other cruel types of cancer just because of smoking. It is horrible and still a lot of people are pushed from the dark side and find pretty enough reasons to continue their never ending quit smoking venture and never achieve the expected results. When you do a search on the internet for best way to quit smoking you are lying to yourself. You understand that there is no such thing, but you are desperately continue to do things that you think deserve your attention and you can actually pull a lot of important things from that. There is no point in doing so as we are going to prove it to you like we did in our previous posts. It is a waste of time. Stop lying to yourself and to your family members. You need to do your best to succeed. Only in such a manner you will be able to prove that things that work work just because you stepped on the right path and not because the great new extra powerful quit smoking program just got out. Do you understand what we mean by saying that? They want you to believe that something is wrong and the quitting smoking side effects are so big that you probably should never think of quitting smoking again and they push down the road the next big quit smoking timeline or calculator project that is in the end another worthless and pathetic way to make some more money.
Behind the quit smoking time line is the attempt to ruin all your hope in quitting smoking. All these issues that people are doing just for the sake of making you believe that something like overcoming addiction is nothing more then an illusion and you should go back to your work and don't bark if you want to receive at least the money to afford that pack of cigarettes per day. Isn't that pathetic? Don't you think that something has to be changed. Truth will come out sooner or later but the thing is that it might be too late. You need to apply to things that people have to understand otherwise there is no purpose in doing this. People must try and reveal everyone's capabilities and unite if they want to succeed. Sharing helps, helping each other helps, group hypnotherapy also does - however, do not relly only on these things. There are so more important aspects that you have to take care in the first place. Stop playing some unimportant role you need to take care of the important parts first. And the important parts in a quit smoking attempt is changing your way of being, changing your life, changing your mentality. We talked at the beginning of this article about the importance of a proper education and behaviour. Why do you think we mentioned that? Well, first of all because some of the things that people do not understand is that you won't get any help from the outside if you are ugly on the inside. Open your soul. Learn how to smile to others, learn how to dedicate your time to others, learn how to help others, only in this way your mind will be clean and pure enough to be able to accumulate that type of knowledge that you can implement in helping others and yourself at the same time to quit smoking. There is no magic bullet, there is no mystery, no ritual, it's just a matter of time and understanding of things. If you can do this you can master anything. There are no limits in the good things and you are continuously learning. You need to open your mind, soul and body. Changing your way of doing things in life is crucial if you want to be able to quit smoking.
If you are seeking natural ways to stop smoking you have found the best resource online probably. What you still don't understand is that appearances are always mistaken and instead of going somewhere and buying that worthless e-book you could makes the last or one of the first efforts and read as much information as you possible can. Drive your conclusions, understand how things work. Now we are going to pass to a case study and it should work and help you better understand certain aspects of this business. Now imagine that you are working in a bar and everyone is smoking there. How in the world do you want to live a health life if you are always, on a daily basis inhaling that smoking. Something like this is possible - but it is very hard and it seems that most of you don't want to understand that. If you ever come up with something similar please do everything possible to let it appear as something natural. You have to make sure that it works because we are now wanting to let it be accessible to everyone. We want to be able to help more and more people. We do not promote a worthless method - we provoke you to start searching for answers inside yourself. You need to be able to help others quit smoking. Anyway, this blog is going to reach a saturation limit where it is going to go and simply just stand somewhere in the search results providing some type of information that is still going to be just click, five seconds read or title read, never get to the content and click away. This is how it happens in most of the time. We are already aware of that and if you want to be able to achieve the same level of results then good luck. If you want to quit smoking then come back from time to time because you can always seek help somewhere hidden between the lines of the articles published in this quit smoking blog. We not only tend to show you that quitting smoking is real, we want to teach you how to quit smoking!
Now bite your finger and promise yourself that you are not going to smoke anymore. If that happens it means you are totally lost and you better purchase a few hundred worthless e-books more or less till you realize in what type of world we are living in today. A quit smoking time line is a waste of time. It is totally worthless if you really want to cease your tobacco addiction.
Good luck!
Charlie Rotario (ex smoker)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The first step when you're not ready to quit
Quitting is a process and not a one time event but often smokers think that they should just wake up one day and quit. Instead, take it one step at a time. Don't know where to start? Before you can make any changes, know where you are by keeping a diary of when you smoke--what time, what you are doing, how you are feeling. You will start to see patterns which will tell you what aspects you need
Quit Smoking Get Rid of the Addiction
A Different Quitting Smoking System
Quitting smoking is not easy. There is no proven system out there that can teach you how to quit smoking. A lot of persons suffer from smoking and we would like to tell you that as a matter of fact many of them are still encountering problems and secondary effects not because they don't know or don't have the guts to finally make a decision and give up smoking but because the negative results of the medication that they are taking is simply destructive.
Those people that are constantly searching for new methods and ways to quit smoking easily need to understand that such things doesn't simply exist. If you think that a search engine can actually find you the hidden magic results behind the most effective smoking cessation program then you are highly mistaken. Such thing won't happen until you start to understand several things and the algorithm of life. That being said we would like to ask you to test several other alternatives to the usual quit smoking medication that you are used to take and those include first of all hypnotherapy. There is nothing better in a quit smoking program when you have a professional expert near you that you might want to talk to and that can lead you to the answers and issues that you really want to achieve.
While browsing some smoking news on the web we stumbled upon some very interesting issues regarding quitting smoking. Basically it was a forum where everyone was talking about different quit smoking methods and how they work and which does have the best effect in the short or long run and viceversa. While reading most of the posts on smoking cessation on those pages we realized that people continue to be extremely ignorant and have no idea what is going on. Even more, they tend to mislead the newcomers that are desperately searching for answers on how to quit smoking.
All of you that are currently looking for new ways to quit smoking in a relatively easy manner should always check out for alternative because if you are a heavy smoker you probably know that most of the smoking cessation programs and methods are already old and do not work in most of the cases. You need to adapt and always check out new and interesting issues regarding things that are closely related to a possible method to quit smoking. There is no excuse behind that and it never was.
When people start to talk about the best way to quit smoking they refer to some kind of prescriptions in a way or another. This issue is well known and it is what it is if you really search for that kind of information that is going to rely on your stuff that really works and might give you a hand on how to quit smoking in the long run. There is no such thing as a best way to get rid of the smoking addiction because every person is unique and has a different organism that reacts in various ways even to stuff that we write here in this articles. If you tend to read that comments on this blog quit often you might come into quite not so good feedback from users and that because some of our readers don't like our "you can't quit smoking because you are weak" attitude. It is what it is.
Knowing what to expect when you quit smoking is another pretty important thing because the psychological aspects comes to one of the most important parts when there are things related to this. People start to experience cravings and they can't simply rely on old stuff and the method that seemed to give good results when applying the nicotine patch now becomes absolutely worthless and that is only related to stuff that you have never been able to mention or accomplish in the past. What should most people that really want to be smoke free and don't pay attention to nicotine and tobacco do in the first place is realize that as a matter of fact something needs to be done as fast as possible and you people have to realize that this is no game and your life is in danger the moment you light another cigarette.
Quitting smoking without any prescription or medication is hard. It basically puts you in a situation where everything comes into it's place and people start to rely on stuff that intends to make things at another level. We need to come up with something that work and that is by far the only thing that best works and converts for both us and our readers that are heavy smokers looking for viable solutions and answers to the most well known quit smoking problems in the world. Various type of cancer are those issues that smokers always fear of but forget very fast about it almost as soon as they light another tobacco cigarette and that is all. It is that simple.
On this site we promote a totally new method of quitting smoking - something zen like and it is related more on attitude and issues that you never expected to read before. If you doubt about things that you don't quit understand it means that you are loosing 100% of what you don't try. In other words, what we try to promote on this blog are several interesting issues that always seemed to cover most of the stuff here. People tend to be very ignorant when it comes to quitting smoking. They are always looking for the magical bullet but don't pay attention to things that are really important. We always strive to promote only natural ways to quit smoking because we tend to believe that no other issues that could damage your health worth the whole cessation process. Do you understand what we mean? In the following paragraph we are going to try and be a little bit more explicit about things that really have an interesting aspect and that people need to pay attention to if they ever want to learn more stuff about how to quit smoking without any drugs, medication or prescription - basically you are going to learn how to quit smoking without anything!
Before learning how the smoking cessation system without anything really works we should warn you that you should probably read all the other articles and posts on this blog that are really about stuff that might interest you. First of all, if you are looking for reliable sources of quit smoking information and really want to do it then you have to become more familiar with the side effects of giving up smoking. Yes, there are side effects and we always wanted to tell people about those and about stuff that most of them don't really pay attention to. There must be something about it and you people have to really become more familiar with these kind of issues if you want to achieve that kind of level and stuff and become really affordable in things that you can't achieve on your own. It is what it is.
Once again we are going to repeat that there are no best ways to quit smoking. People are dreaming and want their dreams to become true. However, that is not possible and because of that more and more people are having trouble discovering new potential with stuff that people tend to forget about in the long run. If you really want to make it possible then you have to learn the basics and only after that try to promote what you do. All those methods that you see and are highly and very often being advertised on television are actually not that type of things that you need to do. There is stuff that always likes to come into place when there is more to be said. When there is nothing to be said then you have to make it possible to reveal all that type of information that people tend to achieve through serious will training and that is what we are looking for to prove you in this blog post, articles and quit smoking information generally. Only if you are going to work on your own character and willpower you are going to manage to do that kind of stuff. There is nothing more to be said about how to quit smoking without anything.
It feels great when you can actually help someone to stop smoking - it reveals your true being and we noticed that most people simply don't care. Can you understand why this happens? All people care about is the stuff that is promoted at the highest level possible. There is nothing to worry about as more and more stuff is going to be published on this blog and if you realize that everything here is free then you have a great potential of seeing the success of that particular something, especially when it is related to quitting smoking potential.
Quitting smoking with acupuncture can be another way - and those who tried it can state that it works and people are seeing and constantly having good results. You need to make sure that this is that kind of information that everyone is looking for otherwise you are not going to have success. This is most people quit smoking and you have to learn from those who do this and help others achieve that same success most of their entire life just because there are some thing that you people need to pay more attention to then any other stuff in the world. Please check this out.
Of course we have a lot of readers on a daily basis that are constantly looking for new interesting facts about hypnotizing someone to quit smoking and if you would like to find out more about these issues please feel free to become one of our daily readers and expect more interesting information to appear on this blog because it is well known that we are doing everything possible to accomplish our goal and help as many people as possible to quit smoking. In this blog post on our quit smoking blog we are trying to reveal new and interesting information on how to quit smoking without any other resources except your own mind and will. Is it possible? Yes, it is, we succeeded and now we are living a smoke free life. This is real but you really have to know that you are doing if you want to have the same success.
Anyways, if you are looking for tips and tricks to help quit smoking then it is time for you to do a little more reading because it seems that there are a lot of things that you probably seem just not to understand. That being said we are now going to reveal you the ugliest and at the same time the most effective truth in a quit smoking matter. Do you know why you can't quit smoking? Well guys, first of all you are all weak! You don't want to work hard and you think that life is nothing special. You have no real values and you never experienced that suffering that would make you realize that there are much more important things to do besides buffing tobacco smoke. Please think a little, take some time and make it possible for those around you to take example and really enjoy life. This is a wonderful feeling when you have the opportunity to help others get rid of the smoking addiction.
Smoking is addiction and those people that know a little bit about issues that provoke dependency to the human kind are usually ignorant or simply aren't working too hard to achieve that kind of level that each and everyone of us is trying to. Hypnosis as a stop smoking solution is very viable and might work for you if you have the guts to put that into practice. Well, do you?
Now please open your eyes and make a decision. First of all realize that there is no best way to stop smoking - that is a myth and a very good and nice story. Forget about it and concentrate on really important things. You need to make sure that it works for you. If it does then do the same and apply the same results for people that are actually satisfied and can easily obtain the same results just with a little bit different approach. There are some things that we need to understand and no matter what happens is going to lead to that kind of stuff that might help us from one of the biggest problems of the world which is smoking these days.
A the beginning of this year we published a post on how to quit smoking in 2009. Everyone seemed to like it. That was a thing of attitude and people just need to make it possible from different type of reasons. First of all - did you take that attitude, are you brave enough to do it. Do you have the courage? Do you? If you do then do yourself a favor and quit smoking once and for all. This is getting more and more interesting if you understand what we mean after all.
We also talked about laser to quit smoking in Las Vegas and other issues. Did someone at least understand something for it. Are you looking to save some money and have a good and long term success on quitting smoking? This is interesting. First of all take a decision and check it out. See what you are miss understanding and check what is leading to that kind of information that most of the people seem to ignore. In the rest this is going to be very funny.
We thought a month ago that writing the quit smoking with free products going to open the eyes of some people that tend to be simple not compatible with our approach towards smoking. Well it happens and you can't do anything about it. There are things that simply need work to be performed in order them to work at it's full potential. This is what we are currenytly looking for and this must become our second nature if you really understand what is this all about.
Please understand that we are one of those quit smoking groups online that are trying to tell you what should be done in order to achieve that kind of information that each and everyone is looking for. You don't need to purchase fancy e-books that are currently not providing any type of reliable information and that is almost pretty stupid if you really know and would like to find out how is it really done.
We need your opinion. If you are looking for more quit smoking jokes we might think about this for the future and just take the time and publish each day some interesting stuff that could bring up more issues that are being process in peoples minds and giving good results. There are some things that you just need to consider if you really want to get rid of the tobacco addiction and that is pretty hard to achieve if you are not teaching yourself to learn how to think outside the box.
So this is going to be the last informative paragraph. We talked about various things but all of them related to some new approach and methods of how to quit smoking. This is really interesting and has to be done if people would like to find that kind of stuff at another level. Thank you for providing that kind of attitude. Bear in your mind that you don't need a quit smoking calculator to do what you are currently doing. That is a matter of time and attitude. That is why we firmly believe that to quit smoking is real you just really have to put yourself a goal and go straight to it. Confucius once said. It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop.
Please remember that and with that being said we thank your for reading our quit smoking blog on a daily basis and find what you are always looking for. It is very pleasant to wake up in the morning and realize that your information has helped another person quit smoking and get rid of the addiction in this world.
Charlie Rotario (ex smoker for more then 20 years)
P.S We also recommend our readers to take a look at hydrocodone addiction post on our friends blog "Spiritual Driver"
Quitting smoking is not easy. There is no proven system out there that can teach you how to quit smoking. A lot of persons suffer from smoking and we would like to tell you that as a matter of fact many of them are still encountering problems and secondary effects not because they don't know or don't have the guts to finally make a decision and give up smoking but because the negative results of the medication that they are taking is simply destructive.
Those people that are constantly searching for new methods and ways to quit smoking easily need to understand that such things doesn't simply exist. If you think that a search engine can actually find you the hidden magic results behind the most effective smoking cessation program then you are highly mistaken. Such thing won't happen until you start to understand several things and the algorithm of life. That being said we would like to ask you to test several other alternatives to the usual quit smoking medication that you are used to take and those include first of all hypnotherapy. There is nothing better in a quit smoking program when you have a professional expert near you that you might want to talk to and that can lead you to the answers and issues that you really want to achieve.
While browsing some smoking news on the web we stumbled upon some very interesting issues regarding quitting smoking. Basically it was a forum where everyone was talking about different quit smoking methods and how they work and which does have the best effect in the short or long run and viceversa. While reading most of the posts on smoking cessation on those pages we realized that people continue to be extremely ignorant and have no idea what is going on. Even more, they tend to mislead the newcomers that are desperately searching for answers on how to quit smoking.
All of you that are currently looking for new ways to quit smoking in a relatively easy manner should always check out for alternative because if you are a heavy smoker you probably know that most of the smoking cessation programs and methods are already old and do not work in most of the cases. You need to adapt and always check out new and interesting issues regarding things that are closely related to a possible method to quit smoking. There is no excuse behind that and it never was.
When people start to talk about the best way to quit smoking they refer to some kind of prescriptions in a way or another. This issue is well known and it is what it is if you really search for that kind of information that is going to rely on your stuff that really works and might give you a hand on how to quit smoking in the long run. There is no such thing as a best way to get rid of the smoking addiction because every person is unique and has a different organism that reacts in various ways even to stuff that we write here in this articles. If you tend to read that comments on this blog quit often you might come into quite not so good feedback from users and that because some of our readers don't like our "you can't quit smoking because you are weak" attitude. It is what it is.
Knowing what to expect when you quit smoking is another pretty important thing because the psychological aspects comes to one of the most important parts when there are things related to this. People start to experience cravings and they can't simply rely on old stuff and the method that seemed to give good results when applying the nicotine patch now becomes absolutely worthless and that is only related to stuff that you have never been able to mention or accomplish in the past. What should most people that really want to be smoke free and don't pay attention to nicotine and tobacco do in the first place is realize that as a matter of fact something needs to be done as fast as possible and you people have to realize that this is no game and your life is in danger the moment you light another cigarette.
Quitting smoking without any prescription or medication is hard. It basically puts you in a situation where everything comes into it's place and people start to rely on stuff that intends to make things at another level. We need to come up with something that work and that is by far the only thing that best works and converts for both us and our readers that are heavy smokers looking for viable solutions and answers to the most well known quit smoking problems in the world. Various type of cancer are those issues that smokers always fear of but forget very fast about it almost as soon as they light another tobacco cigarette and that is all. It is that simple.
On this site we promote a totally new method of quitting smoking - something zen like and it is related more on attitude and issues that you never expected to read before. If you doubt about things that you don't quit understand it means that you are loosing 100% of what you don't try. In other words, what we try to promote on this blog are several interesting issues that always seemed to cover most of the stuff here. People tend to be very ignorant when it comes to quitting smoking. They are always looking for the magical bullet but don't pay attention to things that are really important. We always strive to promote only natural ways to quit smoking because we tend to believe that no other issues that could damage your health worth the whole cessation process. Do you understand what we mean? In the following paragraph we are going to try and be a little bit more explicit about things that really have an interesting aspect and that people need to pay attention to if they ever want to learn more stuff about how to quit smoking without any drugs, medication or prescription - basically you are going to learn how to quit smoking without anything!
Before learning how the smoking cessation system without anything really works we should warn you that you should probably read all the other articles and posts on this blog that are really about stuff that might interest you. First of all, if you are looking for reliable sources of quit smoking information and really want to do it then you have to become more familiar with the side effects of giving up smoking. Yes, there are side effects and we always wanted to tell people about those and about stuff that most of them don't really pay attention to. There must be something about it and you people have to really become more familiar with these kind of issues if you want to achieve that kind of level and stuff and become really affordable in things that you can't achieve on your own. It is what it is.
Once again we are going to repeat that there are no best ways to quit smoking. People are dreaming and want their dreams to become true. However, that is not possible and because of that more and more people are having trouble discovering new potential with stuff that people tend to forget about in the long run. If you really want to make it possible then you have to learn the basics and only after that try to promote what you do. All those methods that you see and are highly and very often being advertised on television are actually not that type of things that you need to do. There is stuff that always likes to come into place when there is more to be said. When there is nothing to be said then you have to make it possible to reveal all that type of information that people tend to achieve through serious will training and that is what we are looking for to prove you in this blog post, articles and quit smoking information generally. Only if you are going to work on your own character and willpower you are going to manage to do that kind of stuff. There is nothing more to be said about how to quit smoking without anything.
It feels great when you can actually help someone to stop smoking - it reveals your true being and we noticed that most people simply don't care. Can you understand why this happens? All people care about is the stuff that is promoted at the highest level possible. There is nothing to worry about as more and more stuff is going to be published on this blog and if you realize that everything here is free then you have a great potential of seeing the success of that particular something, especially when it is related to quitting smoking potential.
Quitting smoking with acupuncture can be another way - and those who tried it can state that it works and people are seeing and constantly having good results. You need to make sure that this is that kind of information that everyone is looking for otherwise you are not going to have success. This is most people quit smoking and you have to learn from those who do this and help others achieve that same success most of their entire life just because there are some thing that you people need to pay more attention to then any other stuff in the world. Please check this out.
Of course we have a lot of readers on a daily basis that are constantly looking for new interesting facts about hypnotizing someone to quit smoking and if you would like to find out more about these issues please feel free to become one of our daily readers and expect more interesting information to appear on this blog because it is well known that we are doing everything possible to accomplish our goal and help as many people as possible to quit smoking. In this blog post on our quit smoking blog we are trying to reveal new and interesting information on how to quit smoking without any other resources except your own mind and will. Is it possible? Yes, it is, we succeeded and now we are living a smoke free life. This is real but you really have to know that you are doing if you want to have the same success.
Anyways, if you are looking for tips and tricks to help quit smoking then it is time for you to do a little more reading because it seems that there are a lot of things that you probably seem just not to understand. That being said we are now going to reveal you the ugliest and at the same time the most effective truth in a quit smoking matter. Do you know why you can't quit smoking? Well guys, first of all you are all weak! You don't want to work hard and you think that life is nothing special. You have no real values and you never experienced that suffering that would make you realize that there are much more important things to do besides buffing tobacco smoke. Please think a little, take some time and make it possible for those around you to take example and really enjoy life. This is a wonderful feeling when you have the opportunity to help others get rid of the smoking addiction.
Smoking is addiction and those people that know a little bit about issues that provoke dependency to the human kind are usually ignorant or simply aren't working too hard to achieve that kind of level that each and everyone of us is trying to. Hypnosis as a stop smoking solution is very viable and might work for you if you have the guts to put that into practice. Well, do you?
Now please open your eyes and make a decision. First of all realize that there is no best way to stop smoking - that is a myth and a very good and nice story. Forget about it and concentrate on really important things. You need to make sure that it works for you. If it does then do the same and apply the same results for people that are actually satisfied and can easily obtain the same results just with a little bit different approach. There are some things that we need to understand and no matter what happens is going to lead to that kind of stuff that might help us from one of the biggest problems of the world which is smoking these days.
A the beginning of this year we published a post on how to quit smoking in 2009. Everyone seemed to like it. That was a thing of attitude and people just need to make it possible from different type of reasons. First of all - did you take that attitude, are you brave enough to do it. Do you have the courage? Do you? If you do then do yourself a favor and quit smoking once and for all. This is getting more and more interesting if you understand what we mean after all.
We also talked about laser to quit smoking in Las Vegas and other issues. Did someone at least understand something for it. Are you looking to save some money and have a good and long term success on quitting smoking? This is interesting. First of all take a decision and check it out. See what you are miss understanding and check what is leading to that kind of information that most of the people seem to ignore. In the rest this is going to be very funny.
We thought a month ago that writing the quit smoking with free products going to open the eyes of some people that tend to be simple not compatible with our approach towards smoking. Well it happens and you can't do anything about it. There are things that simply need work to be performed in order them to work at it's full potential. This is what we are currenytly looking for and this must become our second nature if you really understand what is this all about.
Please understand that we are one of those quit smoking groups online that are trying to tell you what should be done in order to achieve that kind of information that each and everyone is looking for. You don't need to purchase fancy e-books that are currently not providing any type of reliable information and that is almost pretty stupid if you really know and would like to find out how is it really done.
We need your opinion. If you are looking for more quit smoking jokes we might think about this for the future and just take the time and publish each day some interesting stuff that could bring up more issues that are being process in peoples minds and giving good results. There are some things that you just need to consider if you really want to get rid of the tobacco addiction and that is pretty hard to achieve if you are not teaching yourself to learn how to think outside the box.
So this is going to be the last informative paragraph. We talked about various things but all of them related to some new approach and methods of how to quit smoking. This is really interesting and has to be done if people would like to find that kind of stuff at another level. Thank you for providing that kind of attitude. Bear in your mind that you don't need a quit smoking calculator to do what you are currently doing. That is a matter of time and attitude. That is why we firmly believe that to quit smoking is real you just really have to put yourself a goal and go straight to it. Confucius once said. It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop.
Please remember that and with that being said we thank your for reading our quit smoking blog on a daily basis and find what you are always looking for. It is very pleasant to wake up in the morning and realize that your information has helped another person quit smoking and get rid of the addiction in this world.
Charlie Rotario (ex smoker for more then 20 years)
P.S We also recommend our readers to take a look at hydrocodone addiction post on our friends blog "Spiritual Driver"
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Success Factors When Quitting
There are thousands of products offering a 100% guarantee that you will quit smoking but while every method will work for some, no method works for everyone. But successful quitters do have several factors in common.Build Desire: Quit smoking because it is important to you. Find your own reasons for being becoming smoke free. Often people trying to convince smokers to quit, give their own reasons
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