Saturday, October 17, 2015

Should you be concerned about the flavorings in e-juice?

I am not a chemist but my concern is not the nicotine in e-juice but the flavorings. Currently there are about 7,000 different flavors with a couple hundred being added each month. Many of the flavorings used are GRAS (generally recognized as safe). But this designation is used for chemicals that are ingested, not inhaled. 

When you eat something, it goes into your stomach and mixed with gastric

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Best tip on how to "break your habit" before you quit smoking

Most smokers think the hardest cigarettes to quit are their habit cigarettes. You know, the ones you "can't" live without such as the one with your morning coffee. The one when you get in the car (I was sure my car wouldn't start until I lit up).

When working with clients I show them a technique to break the connection to these cigarettes before they quit smoking so that when their actual quit