Monday, July 2, 2012

The Quit Smoking Timeline

Making a decision in quitting smoking is a big commitment, and having a quit smoking timeline is helpful. This allows one to know exactly what happen to the body upon starting to quit smoking. One should know that, the minute upon quitting smoking, the healing process begins just minutes after the last cigarette.

Below, we will take a look at how the body reacts and starts the healing process within just few minutes after the last cigarette. If you decide to quit now, your body can begin reaping the benefits for deciding to quit, and become a non-smoker for the rest of your life.

The Quit Smoking Timeline And How The Body Heals Itself

  • 20 minutes - Within 20 minutes of quitting, the heart rate and blood pressure will go down.
  • This is how fast the body reacts and starts the process of healing itself. Take note that there are various symptoms of nicotine withdrawal at this stage up to 48 hours of cigarette abstinence. However, do not let it discourage you, think of the many benefits and advantages that we are going to look at as we continue.
  • 12 hours - Carbon monoxide level would to a normal and oxygen rise to its appropriate level.
  • 1 day - The body is able to decrease the risk of heart attack. This alone can have a huge impact in your life.
  • 2 days - After 2 days of non-smoking, the sense of smell and taste tends to go back to normal, and continually gets better as one progresses to become a non-smoker.
  • 2 to 3 weeks - Within this period of non-smoking, the lungs will be the one to get the most benefits. Lung function and circulation significantly improved, and it is noticeable that, exercising and walking becomes easier at this point.
  • 1 and 9 months - Smokers cough and shortness of breath start to decrease and the lungs continue to recover and improved, reducing the risks of infection.
  • 5 years - Within this long of quitting and being a non-smoker, the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, and esophagus is cut in half. Moreover, the risks of stroke and heart disease is now the same as of the person who has never smoked in his or her entire life.
  • 10 years and beyond - Having to become a non-smoker this long since the last cigarette, and continues to endeavor to become a non-smoker for the rest of a lifetime, risk of dying of lung cancer is now the same with the person who never smoked ever since.

Smoking can take a very serious toll in the body. However, the good news is, the body is surprisingly strong, and if given a chance, it can certainly bounce back.

When you are ready to take that big commitment of quitting smoking, find which which strategy that can assist in quitting more easily, and increase the chance of being successful. Take the time to review the quit smoking timeline mentioned. Ponder upon the benefits it can reward the body as well as for the people around.

Always remember, even though quitting is difficult, it can have an enormous impact towards the body, both inside and outside. It is never too late to quit, just do it.

The Dark Truth About Smoking

Many smokers might never know about the dark truth behind cigarette smoking. Besides the fact that it is not good for the body, there are things which are not commonly discuss to the masses. In this article, we will be covering some of these dark truths, this may help a smoker decide to quit, and begin establishing a quit smoking timeline in order to help quitting successful.

  • There are over 4000 harmful chemicals are contained in a single stick of cigarette, which include 60 carcinogens and 200 known poisons.
  • Different types of cancers are caused by smoking such as cancer of the lungs, mouth, throat, kidney, pancreas, cervix, leukemia and stomach.
  • The risks of lung diseases such as pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema are significantly increased due to smoking.
  • The risk of smokers dying from a heart attack is doubled compare to non-smokers.
  • For women over 35, using birth control pills while smoking can increase the risks of heart attack, blood clots of the leg, and stroke.
  • Based on a study conducted by CDC, an adult male smoker's life is cut by around 13 years, while females lose around 14 years.
  • Smoking can steal one's quality of life due to illnesses experience.
  • In the U.S. alone, one of every 5 deaths is linked to smoking. The sad fact is that, these deaths are indeed preventable.
  • More or less 3,000 non-smokers die of lung cancer annually because of exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • More or less 35,000 non-smokers die from heart disease as a result of being exposed to secondhand smoke.
  • Ranging from 200,000 and 1 million kids suffer from severe asthma annually as a result of secondhand exposure.
  • Children exposed to secondhand are vulnerable to respiratory and ear infections.
As you can see, the risks of secondhand smoke alone is enormous. Think about the people around, your family at home, and the people around you at work, they are at risks when you smoke. Moreover, secondhand smoke also affect unborn children, specially if the mother smokes.

Cheat Sheet To Help Quit Smoking

There is no doubt that quitting is hard. You may find this cheat sheet helpful while you are starting your quit smoking timeline. Perhaps, among these tips are useful towards your success in quitting.

  1. Throw all cigarette paraphernalia like ashtrays, lighters or matches, and of course cigarettes.
  2. When the craving to smoke arrives, take a deep breath, hold it for 10 seconds and slowly release it. In short, do a basic breathing exercise when you feel to smoke.
  3. Perform regular exercise. Doing light exercises on a daily basis help relieve stress, which is one of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
  4. Instead of smoking, use substitutes such as cinnamon stick, lemon drops, sugarless gum or carrots.
  5. Eat 3 meals daily and avoid spicy foods, which triggers the urge to smoke.
  6. Avoid daily routines that remind of smoking, or at least change to something which do not relate to smoking. For example, play solitaire during break at work, instead of smoking.
  7. Drinking enough amounts of water helps cleanse nicotine addiction and turn it into urine. Also, avoiding coffee and alcohol help stop the cravings.
  8. Keep your hands busy on things, instead of holding a cigarette.
  9. When socializing, spend most of the time with people who are not smokers.
  10. Brushing teeth on a regular basis gets rid the smell of cigarette, which helps avoid cravings to smoke. Furthermore, have a dentist clean your teeth to get rid of the bad breath as a result of smoking.
  11. When deciding to quit, tell your friends, family and colleagues. Ask them to help and support fulfill the quit smoking timeline.
  12. Every day that passed by without a cigarette, congratulate yourself. This helps develop self-confidence and increase the chances of being successful quitting.
  13. Decide which options to take in quitting, instant or gradual, and know the possible symptoms associated in quitting. Doing this helps you prepare your mind and body.
  14. If someone within the family smokes, encourage him or her to quit. This eliminates any cigarette temptation at home.
  15. Get enough rest every day, this prevents stress and helps eliminate the urge to smoke.
  16. Have a regular checkup with your doctor, in case prolonged symptoms of nicotine withdrawal occur.
  17. Find quit smoking support group online or at your local community.
  18. Consider the use of medical options of quitting. A lot of people are successful using medical options, which are available over the counter and some are prescribed.
  19. Defeat the habit of getting used to holding a cigarette, have a handful of peanut instead.
  20. Try a combination of medical options of quitting along with natural therapy such as hypnosis, acupuncture and acupressure.

Hope these tips will be able to help in your journey towards becoming a non-smoker. Quitting is difficult, but if you are determined and willing to reach that goal of quitting, you can do it.

If you have relapse, that does not mean you fail. Simply pick up where you fall, get up and start over. Remember, nobody is a failure until one accept it as reality.

Strategies To Help Quitting Smoking Increasing The Chance Of Having Success

The success of quitting varies from person to person. There are those people who can quit simply by deciding to quit smoking one day, while others have difficulty in doing. The cold turkey approach of quitting is the most difficult to take. In fact, majority of people who attempted to used this approach has several tries before they are successful, this makes the cold turkey method less successful for most.

If quitting using the cold turkey approach is not working for you, never give up. There are smoking cessation programs that can help you along with your quit smoking timeline. As a matter of fact, there are local government programs which are offered publicly in order to help people who want to quit.

Besides these these programs, there are also medical options, and sometimes, a smoking cessation program will be more effective if use in conjunction with a medical option. One particular example of a successful combination is the hypnosis therapy and nicotine patches.

Prior to discussing the medical options, be aware that certain treatments do have some side-effects. Therefore, it is highly suggested that before using any medical options, consider consulting with your doctor about it.

Common Strategies To Help In Quitting Smoking

Nicotine Replacement Therapy - This  therapy gradually wins one from the addicted quality of nicotine. Moreover, this therapy can help relieve the most common nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Types Of Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Nicotine Patches - These patches are an over the counter treatment. This slowly releases nicotine into the bloodstream through the skin.

How Patches Works?

  • The patch is placed on the skin.
  • The patch is to be replaced daily over the course of the treatment
  • Standard therapy lasts 8 weeks
  • Dosage is lowered as the therapy progresses

Nicotine Gum - This is also an over the counter treatment and can be use without any prescription.

How Nicotine Gum Works?

  • Chew the gum.
  • Place it between the cheek and gum. This allows to release nicotine through the lining of the mouth, and into the bloodstream.
  • Chew a new piece every 1 to 2 hours, a recommended dosage.
  • Chew less gum as the treatment progresses until one do not require it.

Nicotine Lozenge

  • Place it between the cheek and gum, just as of the nicotine gum.
  • Use a new lozenge every 1 to 2 hours, a recommended dosage.
  • Reduce the number of lozenge as the treatment progresses until it is not needed.

Prescription Therapies

Besides those mentioned above, there are other prescription therapies available. Talk to your doctor about possible side-effects and which one suits your needs.

Nasal Sprays - This is another type of nicotine replacement therapy. Typical treatment lasts 12 weeks and may require up to 30 sprays each day. Just like with other nicotine replacements, dosage is lowered overtime.

Nicotine Inhalers - This delivers nicotine in vaporized form through a mouth piece. Unlike smoking, the nicotine is not sent to the lungs. Most of the nicotine are absorbed in the mouth and throat, instead. Some smokers reported that inhalers fulfill the ritual of smoking this makes a good thing to grab when cravings occur.

Buproprion - An antidepressant and can be used along with other nicotine replacement therapies in order to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Varenicicline - This is one of the medical option that a doctor prescribed. Unlike with other options, this does not contain nicotine, but it blocks the effect of nicotine on the brain. With this, smoke cravings are significantly reduced, until nicotine is eliminated totally, making a person never have the craving to smoke.

Finally, there are people who preferred to use alternative therapies such as hypnosis, acupuncture, acupressure or laser therapy. Though not proven, and the FDA never declares it as official natural means for treatment, these help a lot of people in quitting, and help reduce the nicotine withdrawal symptoms like stress, anxiety or insomnia. A good rule for these alternative therapies, if it helps, give it a shot.

Quitting smoking is probably one of the most difficult, but the most rewarding change in your lifetime. Immediately, after the last cigarette the body starts to heal, your family and friends will thank you for that decision you made. Decide now, quit, just do it, and go start your quit smoking timeline.

Simple Yet Helpful Tips On Quitting Smoking Successfully

Plan and Prepare - Getting Ready Is The First Step Towards Quitting

Just like any goal in life, quitting smoking needs planning. You know when you first started smoking, it was easy. However, it is different when quitting. Quitting to smoke is difficult as the body is addicted to nicotine,  which somehow controls the brain craving to smoke.

Therefore, it is not as easy as telling yourself, "I want to quit now". Without the proper planning and anticipation of what lies ahead along the way of quitting, it will certainly a failure. One must plan, and follow steps on how to quit smoking permanently.

Decide and Set A Date When To Quit

A goal must have a deadline, and a quit smoking goal is no different from any other goal. Set a realistic date that you would want to quit smoking totally. There are several ways of quitting to smoke, such as cold turkey, gradual quitting, using quit smoking products or a combination of any of these. Experts have shown that using a combination of technique tend to be more effective than using one technique.

Therefore, whatever method that is put to use, setting a realistic goal is vital. This is where you obliged yourself to prepare your mind and body for the challenges upon putting an end to smoking. There are people who are not successful in quitting, because they fail to recognize and determine the challenges that lie ahead.

Preparation is easier when knowing the challenges the body will undergo during the process. Additionally, prior to starting the process of quitting, it is a smart idea to let the people around that you are quitting, such as your family, colleagues and friends. These people can  support you along the way when difficult times occurred.

Health and Lifestyle

Probably, not many smokers know about the fact that 20 minutes immediately after the last cigarette, the human body starts its recovery. This is the true beginning of a quit smoking timeline where the body endure a lot of challenges as it frees all the nicotine inside. Although, the quitter cannot experience the real comfort of quitting, on the other hand, the body is starting to reap the benefits.

When deciding to throw the last cigarette, it is vital to make the final decision. Long term quitting helps the body restores to its peak healthy condition. For a long time smoker, this can be the hardest part, and support from family and friends is invaluable.

The first 48 hours after quitting are extremely difficult, and overcoming such intense craving to smoke is a must. Giving up at this point can lead to failure. However, trying again until you succeed in quitting totally is the greatest gift for yourself, letting your body recovers as healthy as those who do not smoke.

Get Rid Of Any Temptations

One thing that can help on this journey is getting rid of anything that reminds of smoking. Throw all those remaining cigarettes and paraphernalia. Having not to see these things both at home or work prevents any urge to smoke again.

These are the things that need to be planned ahead prior to start the process of quitting. The setting of the date is probably the most crucial part of this process. A smoker cannot quit until he or she decide a specific date to start. Making a deadline of quitting is hard, but face it squarely and think of the benefits that lie ahead. Be persistent to be a non-smoker, and let the body recovers healthily.

Seeking Support and Encouragement Is Part Of The Process

Quitting is a personal choice, although it is challenging a lot of people around you are happy that you decide to quit finally. Probably no one will say; "I quit smoking in 1 week easily". Yes, it is a difficult and challenging process to undergo, but the good thing is, people around you like your family, friends and colleagues are willing to support.

The one unavoidable consequences while in the process of quitting irritability. It feels like it is the end of everything while fighting the crave to smoke. Having someone beside is a big deal, someone to talk to and share what you feel. Simply by telling what you feel is a big relief. Therefore, do not be afraid to seek support and encouragement from your family, friends, doctor and support group in the community. Often, when there is always someone to lean on, the challenging experience of quitting becomes enlightening.

At home, it is essential that family members are aware of what you are undergoing. Doing so, they can help and encourage you to keep going until you become a non-smoker. Your family is your first line of defense when it comes to supporting you. They are there always before you go to sleep, when you cannot sleep, upon waking up and during the time when you crave to smoke. It is a very challenging part for them, too. Family members must be aware of the appropriate things to do in order to help effectively. Perhaps, a doctor or community support group can orient them about the best way they can help.

In today's family environment, it is uncommon to see several members of the family who are smokers. If this is the case, smoking family members should talk over about quitting, and may begin quitting at once. This way, not only the whole family can benefit of having a clean air at home, but have someone who understands the experience of the process. Although, we can rarely find a situation where smoking family members can have the same decision of quitting.

At work, there can be more temptation than it is at home. It is vital to find a way to divert attention from the temptation around. However, if the people around knows what is going on, majority will support. On the other hand, it is unavoidable that there are people will ridicule you. At this point, it is vital you choose the people whom you are to mingle. Stay away from people who smoke since this will be the biggest temptation for you to smoke, specially when the cravings occur.

Additionally, have something replacement for smoking. During a break at work, smokers' hands are busy, and this is a habit that was developed overtime. In order to replace that habit, have a handful of peanuts at the hand where used to have the cigarette. This way, the hands are busy, this time, it is not the cigarette, but peanuts instead.

During the times that you feel you are going to give up, never pick up and light a cigarette. Instead, call your doctor or psychologist, visit a support group or browse the internet to find online support group that you can talk. This is the best way to divert your attention from cigarette craving. The urge to smoke usually last for a few minutes, and during that time, be conscious not to be tempted to go with the craving.

You can do it easily, and with the people around who are willing to help you, the success of quitting smoking is achievable. Never give up, until you reach your goal of quitting, and become a non-smoker once again.

Changing The Routine And Learn New Things

Certainly, there will be a lot of things going on when you quit smoking. Certain routine might change and taste of foods. On the other hand, there will be an added attitude that you want to nurture while on the early stage of the process, and that is keeping yourself aware and resilient over the cravings that will occur.

Keeping track of progress is a valuable thing, and to observe how many cravings occur on a daily basis. Also, observing when is the time the craving to smoke occur, and the things done when it occurs can be helpful. Knowing all these factors will make it easy to formulate counter measures to divert the cravings to something else. Typically, each cravings last around 3 to 5 minutes, 2 to 3 time a day.

Once these things are taken into account, plan something ahead in order to divert attention when these cravings occur. For instance, smoking during break is a long time habit. In order to distract or avoid of doing this, replace smoking routine by taking few minutes of walk with a friend. Of course, picking someone to be with is another vital factor. You do not want to be with someone who is a smoker, or else you will end up tempted and go with the crave.

Another thing that is effective of distracting your cravings is to browse the internet, have fun and join quit smoking forums. Reading and conditioning the brain to learn more quit smoking tips and benefits can be of substantial help, most of the time. This makes forgetting smoking overtime a lot easier.

Keeping Busy

This is another noteworthy aspect to consider while in the early process of quitting smoking. Most people smoke during idle time. Keeping yourself busy can divert the attention to craving.

Think and list all the things you want to do. Plan on doing these things, so that you won't be having a long idle time. This may not be difficult for an outgoing person, but for a person who is not used to being active physically, this can be tough start.

Suggestions that you can take on to divert craving attention;

  • Engage and be active physically. Join sports club or go out with people who are active in sports. This allows the body active also conditions the brain to divert the attention of craving to smoke.
  • Engage in home improvement projects. Do the things you want that you have never done in the past. This not only keeps you busy, diverting craving to smoke, but bring functionality and elegance to your home.
  • Enroll in a gym and have a regular workout.
  • Plan a healthy diet, and choose foods which help stop the smoke cravings.

Be a volunteer. Joining a non-profit group doing for a cause is a fantastic way to keep busy while doing nifty things to the community. Perhaps, you can join a quit smoking support group who help people quitting smoking. It is proven that, teaching your experiences to people will do a self-encouragement and able to learn others experience that might help in your situation.

These are only some of the things that a quitter can engage to divert cravings. You may be have some better plans. Consult the entire family about helpful and stimulating activities. A vacation or perhaps going for an outdoor activity can be both exciting and helpful. Additionally, this helps one face the challenges and effects of quitting easily.

Never stop finding things that help you forget smoking entirely. The more you do it, the more your brain ignores the cravings. In time, when you have your next medical checkup, you will be surprise how your body recovers quickly and equal those who do not smoke.

Seeking Medication And The Use Of Quit Smoking Aids Appropriately

The entire process of how to quit smoking is not as easy as one starts to smoke. Depending on which method is use, one may need a medication or a quit smoking aid or product in conjunction with a quit smoking timeline. For the vast majority of ex-smokers, quitting is easier when having a timeline and quit smoking aid than simply using the cold turkey method.

The cold turkey method is cheap and safe. However, this is the most difficult method to follow. That is why the success rate of using cold turkey is extremely low compare to the success rate of quitting using medications or a quit smoking aid. Using an appropriate quit smoking aid can increase the chances of one quitting successfully.

There are lots of quit smoking aids or products that are available over the counter. However, it is not recommended to, simply buy one and immediately use it. Before using such medication, consult a doctor if it is safe and appropriate for use. Although, certain homeopathic quitting smoking aids are safe to use even without any prescription. These are products which are approved by the FDA as safe for use without requiring a prescription.

However, it is vital to check the product if it is indeed approved by the FDA. Only buy products from a reputable source. If you choose to buy it online, check if it is a reputable and accredited online store by proper authority such as BBB. In case you want refund, it can be done easily without any hassles.

For other medical-related issues such as prolong occurrence of the symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal, consulting a doctor is an excellent idea. This why it is advisable to have a regular medical checkup while in the process of quitting. The doctor can monitor both the recovery process experience by the body, and if there are any abnormal side-effects, it can be address a lot earlier.

Nicotine Patches

Nicotine patches are put on the smoker's skin, usually at the shoulder. This is among the recommended medication, also known as the nicotine replacement. Most nicotine patches can be bought over the counter and does not require a doctor's prescription. Before using the patch, read the label which has the written instructions on how to use the patch properly. A research back in 2009 revealed that, nicotine patches are effective if use along with other techniques, such as hypnosis. Reportedly, the combination of the two results in higher success rate than using each of the technique individually.

However, nicotine patches can have side-effects such as mild itching, burning, redness, and stinging on the spot where it is patched. Normally, redness will go away to around 4 days, consult a doctor if there is a prolonged redness. While using the patch, nausea, dizziness, headache and flushing can potentially occur likewise.

During the medication, it is normal to experience anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and irritability, since these are primary symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. If these symptoms continue to occur for a long time, consult a doctor immediately before it gets worsen.

One vital thing to note while using a quit smoking medication or aid. Never smoke while using the medication as this can result certain side-effects similar the common symptoms mentioned above, but it can occur in a more serious condition. After all, if you are serious in quitting, you must resist the craving.

Expecting Relapses and Difficulties

Not all smoke quitters are the same. There are those who managed to stay non-smoker for the rest of their lives since the day they decided to quit. While there are those smokers who feel that quitting is not a big deal, but to remain a non-smoker for life, can be an enormous challenge. If you belong to the former group, then there is no problem at all. However, if you belong to the latter group, this can is where the challenge occurs.

During the first 3 months of quitting, it can be a challenge. At this point, relapse can be expected for the majority of quitters. When this happens, support is essential from people like family and friends. This is the time or stage when quitters gave up the quit smoking timeline, and go back to smoking. Be prepared at this stage because the craving to smoke can be extremely intense.

If you have relapse, it does not mean that you fail. Start again and recover where you slip. It is at this stage where stress can be experience most. The good news is, there are several ways to manage stress appropriately.

Managing Stress

  • Join a yoga class and do yoga regularly.
  • Have a regular workout at home or gym.
  • Do breathing exercise and meditation every day.
  • Avoid the triggers to crave smoking.
  • Make it a habit to eat healthy foods and maintain a well-balanced diet.
  • Limit or avoid the triggers such as alcohol and coffee.
  • Play your favorite sport with friends, or have fun with any outdoor activities with the whole family.
  • Have sex (safe sex of course with our partner). Besides, quitting smoking is one of the best ways to maintain and improve erection quality, hence a great way to avoid or prevent erectile dysfunction in the long run..

Reminding Yourself The Benefits Of Quitting

Quitting can have a substantial impact on health as well as physical appearance. Typically, during the first months of quitting, these benefits can be experienced;

  • No more chronic cough.
  • No more bad smell.
  • No more cigarette butts to cleaned.
  • No more yellow teeth.
  • No more risks of second hand smoke for people around you.
  • Save an extra 200 bucks monthly.
  • Better sense of smell and taste.
  • Improved physical appearance.
  • Improved energy and better breathing.
  • Risk of several types of cancers is reduced significantly.

Mentioned above are among the key benefits achieved when quitting. Not to mention, the joy and happiness of the people around you such as your family and friends. Quitting is just the beginning, remaining a non-smoker for life is an achievement. It is not too late to quit, and no one is a failure until one decides to be.

Start establishing your quit smoking timeline, stay committed, and be persistent until you become an non-smoker for life.

The Danger Of Cigarette Smoking

You have heard the reasons why smoking is bad for your health. However, have you really seen the reasons why? Smoking goes beyond the lungs, affecting all organs, and can even affect your sex life. Here, we will be taking a look at the journey of cigarette takes from when you light it up, to the moment you put it out.

Everyone smokes for different reasons, but whatever the reasons, know this; before you start smoking, your lungs looks nice and healthy, and after years of damage from smoking, it can turn black. This is what happens you start to smoke;

Upon taking a drag, the smoke enters the mouth, surrounding the teeth, gums and tongue until it enters the throat. Eventually causing an abnormal thickening in the lining of the mouth and airways. This is link to throat cancer. However, not all the smoke goes to the lungs, some goes into the nose and sinuses, and overtime smoking will decrease the sense of smell and taste too.

When the smoke gets into the lungs, the body's natural defenses will immediately weaken, and more mucus is produce to protect the lungs from the toxins of the smoke. It becomes more and more difficult to fight colds and other respiratory illnesses. The breathing rate increases forcing the lungs to work harder while doing less.

The smoke will damage some of the air sacs where the oxygen breath transferred to the bloodstream. Know this little known fact, a packet-a-day smoker is pouring 1-cup or 8 ounces of tar in their lungs each year. The result, 87 percent of death caused by lung cancer. That is equivalent to over a 137,000 people every year died because of cigarette smoking. That is enough people to fill 3 baseball stadium to its full capacity.


Smoking Affects The Heart

The heart is the busiest working organ in the body. Smoking makes it work even harder. The heart is forced to beat as much as 36,000 times more in one day compare to a non-smoker. So, where is the blood going when the heart is working so hard to pump. First, it is being pushed through to the blood vessels that have narrowed from the smoke that drive the blood pressure to rise by 10 to 15 percent. As one keeps on smoking, the risk of stroke and heart disease doubles.

Smoking can also lead to a buildup of plaque and deposits in the blood vessels, and can cause circulations in the arms and legs. Severe circulation problems can lead to an increased risk of amputation. Smoking can make the bones brittle, increases the risk of fractures or breaks, this is called osteoporosis.


Smoking Affects Sex Life

For men who smoked have problems of getting and keeping an erection, and can decrease sperm count. For women, decreases the ability to conceived and to stay pregnant. Smoking during pregnancy increased the chances of the baby to be born prematurely, sick or even die.


Smoking Affects The Outer Parts Of The Body

We have covered how smoking affects the internal organs of the body, but the little known fact is that, smoking also affects exterior parts of the body. Smoking constricts the blood vessels of the skin and reduces the oxygen it gets. This means that, the skin is more vulnerable to wrinkling. It also causes the hands and feet become chronically cold.

Smokers teeth are yellow. This is visible when one smiles. Smoking also hinders saliva functions and can lead to tooth decay. Moreover, smoking is among the major causes of cancer of the mouth. Along with the teeth, the fingernails can turn have a yellow-stained color and is prune to excessive and rapid hair loss.

Quitting is hard, but once quit of smoking completely, whether you feel it or not, the body starts to heal itself right after the last cigarette. It's not too late, start your quit smoking timeline and work towards achieving the goal of quitting.