Saturday, February 28, 2009

Would you give up kissing and sex for your cigarettes?

Most smokers know that smoking causes lung cancer but they may not know that smoking is responsible for over 30% of ALL cancers including mouth and lip cancer. Pete had cancer of the lips from smoking cigars. While the plastic surgery did a great job at reconstructing his lips, Pete said that the numbness from the sugery, "Took all the fun out of kissing." While 1 out of 3 Americans will develop

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Turning the Fears of Quitting into Confidence of Becoming Smoke Free

Fear often holds a smoker back from even trying to quit. I remember being afraid of success, "If I quitting smoking, What will I do?" Smoking has become part of our identity, "Who am I, if I'm not a smoker?" Others have tried to quit so many times that there is a fear of another failure. The fear of gaining weight will stop some smokers, especially women, from ever trying to stop smoking. Other

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Have an Emergency Plan to Avoid Relapsing Back into Smoking

There have been two recent plane crashes in the news. One ended with the survival of all the passengers and crew, the other in tragedy with all aboard lost. In a crisis situation, the pilot has only a few precious minutes to make life or death decisions. Pilots spend hours training for a crisis, hoping they will never have to use this training. In the two plane crashes, one pilot put his

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Myths about Snus and smokeless tobacco

The new tactic of the tobacco companies is to promote smokeless tobacco and snus as a way to quit smoking but those forms of tobacco are dangerous too. Here are some myths taken from: the mythsMyth: Smokeless tobacco products are a safe alternative to tobacco smoking.Fact: Here is the bottom line–smokeless is not harmless. The list of serious illnesses

Monday, February 23, 2009

Staying Quit Forever and Preventing Relapse

I always ask the participants in my stop smoking workshops, "What is the longest time you have been off cigarettes?" Their answer tells me quite a bit about how to help them be successful with their latest quit attempt. Here is what some of their answers mean:"I've never quit for more than a few days." This smoker is probably heavily addicted to nicotine and relapses because of the withdrawal

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Always Nice to hear from Successful Quitters

My first workshop at Hi Desert Medical Center was a success!! All of the participants quit smoking. One individual, who had been a two pack a day smoker, was still struggling with smoking less than 10 cigarettes by the last class but called me yesterday to say that she had finally stopped a few days later by using a combination of bupropion and the nicotine inhaler that I had suggested. Here is a

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Joining the Ranks of Former Smokers

My job has got to be the most rewarding on earth. I just finished 3 workshops in Southern California and many smokers were successful at quitting. That means a few less people will die from heart disease, a few less from cancer, and a few less will be disabled from a stroke or from emphysema, living out the last years of their lives tied to an oxygen tank.I don't take credit for their quitting, I

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Best Valentines Day Gift--Stop Smoking

Timing can be everything and today may be the time to stop smoking. Give the gift of a longer, healthier life to both your loved ones as well as for yourself. As a single person who won't date a smoker, I've been told that I might be missing out on a great guy, which may be true but I don't want to fall in love with a man that will die from some horrible disease caused by his smoking. So if you

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quit Smoking Calculator

Quit Smoking Calculator Honest Review

A quit smoking calculator is basically a software that let's you track results and realize how much money you spend on nicotine or how many hours of your life you give away when inhaling an x number of cigarettes. This is interesting and I would like to talk about quit smoking calculator today as this is an interesting feature that many websites offer and we would like to provide more information and make some things clear if possible. However, it is well known that people usually don't take action even after searching a quit smoking calculator on a website and visualizing some results about their smoking life time activity. Well, what can we do about it. It is the human nature and we are too ignorant to consider new offers and make things really happen. This is not true only for those that can act fast and don't really fall in the trap of the quit smoking market. On our quit smoking news site we are looking to publish the latest industry news and in the future we are going to review the well known quitting programs. So stay tuned because more interesting information is coming up. You can also call your friends and family - all those heavy smokers. Still considering our how to quit smoking methods ineffective? Read further.

There is definitely more to say about the quit smoking calculator. Unfortunately, we might praise ourselves a little bit that we do okay with writing long ramblings and very informative post on quitting smoking and the secondary effects of quit smoking medication but we do not have the necessary knowledge (yet) in programming and web design (as you can already probably notice from the poor ugly template of this blog. We are trying to help people quit smoking and we are not interested in fancy lookouts. It is what it is - if you understand please accept it if you don't please leave a kind comment and feedback and take your future voyage in the world of internet quit smoking programs. Please take a close look and observe that we are very attentive and publish each and every comment because we understand that our readers have the right to see things in their way. We receive good comments, bad comments but generally people praise us for the work that we are doing her and for our zen like quit smoking methods.

The idea to write a post about quit smoking calculator came in our mind the moment we realized that this a good way to reach more people and help more smokers out there kick the habit. With that in mind we started to query our big search engine with the quotes term "quit smoking calculator" in order to get some good websites and see if people are really willing to promote that kind of method and to see if it really works. In other words, we would like to introduce you to a revolutionary vision on realizing how bad is smoking for your health and for you to see that it requires not only knowledge and information for someone to start his smoking cessation campaign but also making a commitment and following it till the end is crucial. This is the main benefit that a quit smoking calculator can offer you after all. If you disagree please write us an email or ask some questions in the comments and we will be more then happy to answer you all.

If you ever stumbled upon hypnotherapy as a method to quit smoking then you might probably see that it has a very interesting approach towards the psychological aspect of making the patient realize what is really happening to him. The quit smoking calculator is in some cases as a tool to open the eyes of many and make they feel the real danger behind smoking. A few months ago when we just launched this blog we had a huge banner with "every eight seconds someone dies from tobacco". We did this on purpose and analyzed the bounce rate of people that really have a need and would like to find out more tips to help them quit smoking. We noticed that people got scared and run away and that is basically because everything that is being done is being done with the purpose in mind of every method being humble and treating them as patients. Our zen like quit smoking approach verbally beats people and make them ignorant and a little bit naive and so forth and so on. This is how we work, this is our method.

We also published some articles that were hard to read on this blog as also and experiment and we came up with the idea that it doesn't have any effect. Smokers are extremely nervous and they are looking for someone to talk to them kindly and not to irritate them. Everyone that visited the website and read the uninteresting article felt bad and left in a matter of five seconds and there is no mystery why. It is just because they feel so suspicious that they are heading the wrong way and in the subconscious someone is telling them to take another cigarette, light it up and inhale the smoke. This is alright - it just works this way. There are many natural ways to stop smoking out there but we are tying to show people the one that we used to overcome nicotine addiction and that one was making an iron will and a proper commitment that takes the words at a totally another level. It is just a matter of time till people start to realize that no quit smoking prescription is going to help them achieve the same level of understanding and results as a good proper decision can help them. All we can do is wait for the world to change and still work in the meantime, after all, it is all about the money results in the quit smoking calculator.

For all those who tried acupuncture to quit smoking after realizing that they are spending more then 40% of their monthly income on cigarettes and on the quitting smoking industry products we have a good offer. Please listen carefully. There is no best method or trick or report or hypnotism method to save you from smoking daily. It's about our will, it's about your own decisions and it's about things that work fine. We are not trying to impose any ideas as being correct or wrong we are just trying to show you something that works and something that people should really consider from time to time. It just has to be so and we are now trying to make it happen.

So, is a quit smoking calculator a good way to make you realize that there is basically nothing wrong with your life. Yes, it is. In fact, it might give you enough data for you to realize that if you are really working hard to make that money so that you might understand that each time someone is telling you something you must go and ask them for their opinion. It is simple as that. There are no best ways to quit smoking, most of the things that happen to you in life are the results of your own actions. For example we are going to use one of our previous posts that digged a lot of comments from our users and regular readers. It is called giving up smoking side effects and it rocked away everyone with the information provided there.

So are we joking? Not at all. Do you feel that it's time to change something in your life? Yes you probably do. Do you have the necessary will to start and make the first step? Probably not. Well then, our blog is not just a simple quit smoking blog. It is a different zen link approach towards getting rid of nicotine dependence and it works as far as we remember. It really does, and people are proud and people are having good results and people are going to live a smokeless life from now on. You have nothing to lose even if you are a beginner. Make the first step. Try it out. Quit smoking now! Break this habit. Change your life.

If a quit smoking calculator can help you do this then give it a try. It really worth the deal, it really does.

God bless,
Charlie Rotario (ex-smoker for more then 20 years)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

We Don't Want Our Kids to Smoke

Mary's father started her smoking at 16 because he thought it made her look sophisticated, now at 70, she finds it almost impossible to quit. We've come a long way baby, from an attitude like Mary's father yet even today when a teenager is caught with cigarettes, that parent breathes a sign of relief that it wasn't something stronger, "It's just cigarettes, a right of a passage instead of drugs"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Quitting Smoking Saves Everyone Money, Write your Politicans today

Helping people quit smoking has never been a popular issue. Individuals who have never smoked can’t understand how anyone would ever start and think a smoker should just put the cigarette down and walk away. Smokers scream about their right to smoke and are encouraged by the tobacco industry trying to maintain their profits. Former smokers say that if they can quit, anybody can quit and often

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Relapsing at Superbowl Parties When Trying to Quit Smoking

Superbowl is one of the biggest sports parties of the year and a time when many former smokers will relapse. A huge social event with plenty of food and drink, with cheering and socializing and a slippery slope for those who have quit smoking. A cigarette seems to fit into this party atmosphere and many will rationalize that one won't hurt. But most people underestimate the power of nicotine-