A site that encourages smokers to quit and provides tips to friends and family on how to motivate a smoker to quit without nagging, shaming or blaming.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Different Reasons Why We Smoke
I have personally quit a total of nine separate times for at least 3 months each time. This is not counting the numerous attempts of a day here or a day there. Each time I have quit, I have learned something else about how I was connected to my cigarette. The first time I quit, it seemed easy, too easy and I thought I could control my smoking. But I was wrong, I needed to learn about relapsing
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Link Between Lung Cancer and Smoking
For years the tobacco companies said that smoking did not cause lung cancer. We now know that smokers are at a much higher risk of developing lung cancer and about 10% of all smokers will develop the disease. About 90% of all lung cancers are in smokers. This article tells of several genetic studies that are showing certain genetic traits that may make a person more likely to become addicted to
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Smokers Age Faster and Wrinkle More than Non-Smokers
It used to be thought that smokers developed smokers lines above their lip because of the way they dragged on the cigarette but now we know that smoking causes more wrinkles because of the lack of oxygen to the skin. Carbon Monoxide is a main component of smoke (yes the same gas coming out the tailpipe of your car-the next smoker you see, just think that they are sucking on that tailpipe and
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Mothers View On Autism And Michael Savage
Michael Savage claims on his show that autism is “a fraud, a racket.” Listen to how this hits home and outrages a mother of an autistic child.
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