Wednesday, November 18, 2015

FREE for the Great American Smokeout: "How to Win at Quitting Smoking"

Thursday, November 19th is the Great American Smokeout, where smokers are encouraged to quit smoking just for one day. Why not make it the start of creating your plan to become totally smoke-free by getting a FREE copy of my book, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking", available on Kindle through Amazon. Normally $4.99, How to Win at Quitting Smoking, kindle version will be FREE from Wednesday,

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Listen to some great tips for The Great American Smokeout

Tips for the Great American Smokeout is available as a podcast to get you ready for Thursday when all smokers are encouraged to quit just for the day.

And watch for a special offer starting on Wednesday to get a FREE copy of, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking".